SQL Foundations I Module 1

Craft 3 insert statements to populate data

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  • Last updated August 24, 2016 at 1:07 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Craft 3 insert statements to populate data into the tables. It is recommended you use SQLFiddle to save an example of your work, and then submit the URL for your SQLFiddle.

All posted evidence

Insert Statements, It all passed!

Insert into teacher(teach_id, name, salary) values (11, 'George Stand', 40000), (12, 'Ned Gandi', 170000), (13,'Victor Dalko', NULL), (14,'Bruce Watson', 310000), (15,'Leo Burnett', 77000), (16,'Pete Grundi', 55000);     Insert into grade(id, student_id, teacher_id, term_id, grade_varchar, grade_num, status, subject_id) values (11, 11, 11, 201801, 'does not meet expectations', 1, 'in process', 11), (12, 12, 12, 201802, 'needs improvement', 2, 'in process', 12), (13, 13, 13, 201801, 'meets expectation', 3, 'complete', 13), (14, 11, 12, 201703, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'complete', 11), (15, 12, 14, 201701, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'complete', 14), (16, 13, 15, 201802, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'inprocess', 13);   Insert into student(student_id, student_name, creditsearned, dob) values (11, 'Jean Bakes', 30.5,'1960-04-12'), (12, 'Sara Sikes', 24.0,'1998-09-09'), (13,'Pablo Gomez', 6.0, NULL), (14,'Jimmy Chu', 9.5,'2000-01-15'), (15,'Bryan Dyer', 24.0,'1982-11-18'), (16,'Neerav Patel', 28.0,'1982-12-10'), (17,'Maher Mouasher', 12.5,'1967-03-03'), (18,'Mike Kor', 21.5,'1970-07-07'), (19,'Mike Miller', 10.0,'1999-06-01'), (20,'Mike Jones', 8.0,'1986-05-05');

sdow3 Over 6 years ago
    (1, 'BS', 'Bachelor of Science'),
    (2, 'AA', 'Associate in Arts Degree'),
    (3, 'AAS', 'Associate in Applied Science Degree'),
    (4, 'CTP', 'Career Training Programs'),
    (5, 'PSAV', 'Post Secondary Adult Vocational'),
    (6, 'ABE', 'Adult Basic Education')

    (1, 'S0170', 'Accounting', 120, 'CREDIT'),
    (1, 'S0070', 'Biology', 120, 'CREDIT'),
    (1, 'S0060', 'Nursing', 121, 'CREDIT'),
    (1, 'S0120', 'Criminal Justice', 120, 'CREDIT'),
    (2, '11190', 'English', 36, 'CREDIT'),
    (3, '60010', 'Accounting Applications Certificate', 27, 'CREDIT'),
    (2, '11200', 'Environmental Science', 36, 'CREDIT'),
    (2, '11250', 'Humanities', 36, 'CREDIT'),
    (4, '50700', 'Automotive Service Technology I', 1050, 'CLOCK'),
    (4, '50060', 'Carpentry', 1200, 'CLOCK')
    (2, 'S1', 'Jackie', 'Perez'),
    (1, 'S2', 'Miguel', 'Williams'),
    (1, 'S3', 'Page', 'Fletcher'),
    (3, 'S4', 'Ryan', 'Fergusson'),
    (2, 'S5', 'Martin', 'Walker'),
    (2, 'S6', 'Thomas', 'Davis'),
    (4, 'S7', 'Rose', 'Page'),
    (4, 'S8', 'Anderson', 'White'),
    (3, 'S9', 'Jonas', 'Hall'),
    (2, 'S10', 'Mary', 'Hayes'),
    (1, 'S11', 'Ann', 'Fletcher'),
    (2, 'S12', 'Eliott', 'Carpenter'),
    (1, 'S13', 'Arnold', 'Harvey')

mangai Over 6 years ago

Insert statements for Module I Task III

INSERT INTO University (University_ID, University_Name) VALUES
  (1492059, "Parkland College"),
  (7452956, "University of Illinois");
INSERT INTO Course (Professor, Course_No, Section, Credit_Hours, Course_Name, University_ID) VALUES
  ("Charles Schultz", 176, 002, 4, "Intro to SQL", 1492059),
  ("Steve Jobs", 101, 001, 3, "Business and Economics", 7452956),
  ("Sigmund Freud", 200, 003, 4, "Psychology II", 1492059);
INSERT INTO Student (Username, ID, Major, University_ID, Course_No) VALUES
  ("mpurnell1", 2851947, "Data Systems and Development", 1492059, 176),
  ("wmozart1", 4572559, "Music Composition", 7452956, 101);
mpurnell1 About 7 years ago

Inserting information into the tables

INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1, 'Bobby Boston');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (2, 'Natasha Nashville');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (3, 'Doug Dallas');

INSERT INTO Class VALUES (1, 'Biology');
INSERT INTO Class VALUES (2, 'American Government');
INSERT INTO Class VALUES (3, 'Spanish');

INSERT INTO Classroom VALUES (1, '225');
INSERT INTO Classroom VALUES (2, '101');
INSERT INTO Classroom VALUES (3, '304');
rvargas8 Over 7 years ago

I added some new students on the tables and they got the new ids.

INSERT INTO Students VALUES (“Alex”, “Craig”, “Pipp”);
INSERT INTO ids VALUES(456, 789, 012);
INSERT INTO age VALUES(18, 19, 20);
rvargas8 Over 7 years ago

Insert statements to populate my 3 types of finishes and 7 types of materials into there table and place 1 example sign into Sign table.

INSERT INTO Finishes VALUES(1, "Power Tabs", 1.44);
INSERT INTO Finishes VALUES(2, "Grommets", 1.82);
INSERT INTO Finishes VALUES(3, "Power Tabs", 0.48);

INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(1, "PMWR", 0.52);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(2, "WRFAB", 0.65);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(3, "QDSCRIM", 0.76);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(4, "BACKLIT", 0.76);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(5, "EPERF", 1.54);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(6, "WALLTAC", 1.10);
INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(7, "LOTAC", 0.81);

INSERT INTO Signs VALUES(1, 2.0, 3.0, 1, 3, 1, 6.00);
jmfisher Over 7 years ago

I made 3 insert statements and ran them on PHPMyAdmin (along with the rest of the code) to create sections of a class, their students, etc

INSERT INTO `College` (  `Major` ,  `Department` ,  `College_Name` ,  `College_ID` ) 
VALUES ('Computer Engineering', 'Electrical and Computer Engineering', 'Engineering', 052);
INSERT INTO `Course`(`TA`, `Professor`, `Section`, `Course_Name`, `Course_ID`, `College_ID`) 
VALUES('Elon Musk', 'Charles Schultz', 042, 'CSC176', 032, 052);
INSERT INTO  `Student` (  `Major` ,  `Username` ,  `ID_#` ,  `Course_ID` ,  `College_ID` ) 
VALUES ('Computer Science',  'vbecu1', 1010105, 032, 052)
vbecu1 About 8 years ago

Three Insert Statements

INSERT INTO Soccer_players(player_id, name, age, salary, Net_worth, Team) VALUES (3, 'Marco Reus', 27, '4 million', '20 million', 'Borussia Dortmund');

INSERT INTO Soccer_players(player_id, name, age, salary, Net_worth, Team) VALUES (1, 'Lionel Messi', 29, '40 million', '280 million', 'Barcelona');

INSERT INTO Soccer_players(player_id, name, age, salary, Net_worth, Team) VALUES (3, 'Mario Goetze', 27, '7 million', '35 million', 'Borussia Dortmund');
franciscocruz11 Over 8 years ago


dustinninja Over 8 years ago

Excerpt from the complete ddl: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/2047e0

INSERT INTO `food`(`name`, `quantity`)VALUES ('dogChow', '1');
INSERT INTO `food`(`name`, `quantity`) VALUES ('catChow', '1');
INSERT INTO `food`(`name`, `quantity`) VALUES ('whoKnows', '10');
INSERT INTO `species`(`name`, `location`, `diet`) VALUES ('dog', 'backyard', 'dogChow');
INSERT INTO `species`(`name`, `location`, `diet`) VALUES ('cat', 'barn', 'catChow');
INSERT INTO `species`(`name`, `location`, `diet`) VALUES ('barnMouse', 'barn', 'whoKnows');
INSERT INTO `species`(`name`, `location`, `diet`) VALUES ('shedMouse', 'machineShed', 'whoKnows');
INSERT INTO `pets`(`name`, `sex`, `species`, `color`) VALUES ('Zeke', 'm', 'dog', 'black');
INSERT INTO `pets`(`name`, `sex`, `species`, `color`) VALUES ('Mini', 'f', 'cat', 'grey');
INSERT INTO `pets`(`name`, `sex`, `species`, `color`) VALUES ('Junior', 'm', 'cat', 'brown');
INSERT INTO `pets`(`name`, `sex`, `species`, `color`) VALUES ('Screech', 'm', 'cat', 'grey');
INSERT INTO `pets`(`name`, `sex`, `species`, `color`) VALUES ('BigBertha', 'f', 'cat', 'grey');
jaco Over 8 years ago

Task 3

randyiv Over 8 years ago

Link for populating data

kfowler Over 8 years ago