Sharon Dow

Craft 3 insert statements to populate data

Insert Statements, It all passed!

  • October 24, 2018 at 1:08 PM
  • Visible to public
Insert into teacher(teach_id, name, salary) values (11, 'George Stand', 40000), (12, 'Ned Gandi', 170000), (13,'Victor Dalko', NULL), (14,'Bruce Watson', 310000), (15,'Leo Burnett', 77000), (16,'Pete Grundi', 55000);     Insert into grade(id, student_id, teacher_id, term_id, grade_varchar, grade_num, status, subject_id) values (11, 11, 11, 201801, 'does not meet expectations', 1, 'in process', 11), (12, 12, 12, 201802, 'needs improvement', 2, 'in process', 12), (13, 13, 13, 201801, 'meets expectation', 3, 'complete', 13), (14, 11, 12, 201703, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'complete', 11), (15, 12, 14, 201701, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'complete', 14), (16, 13, 15, 201802, 'exceeds expectation', 4, 'inprocess', 13);   Insert into student(student_id, student_name, creditsearned, dob) values (11, 'Jean Bakes', 30.5,'1960-04-12'), (12, 'Sara Sikes', 24.0,'1998-09-09'), (13,'Pablo Gomez', 6.0, NULL), (14,'Jimmy Chu', 9.5,'2000-01-15'), (15,'Bryan Dyer', 24.0,'1982-11-18'), (16,'Neerav Patel', 28.0,'1982-12-10'), (17,'Maher Mouasher', 12.5,'1967-03-03'), (18,'Mike Kor', 21.5,'1970-07-07'), (19,'Mike Miller', 10.0,'1999-06-01'), (20,'Mike Jones', 8.0,'1986-05-05');