SQL Foundations I Module 1

Craft 3 insert statements to populate data

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  • Last updated August 24, 2016 at 1:07 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Craft 3 insert statements to populate data into the tables. It is recommended you use SQLFiddle to save an example of your work, and then submit the URL for your SQLFiddle.

All posted evidence

Here is the link to my complete ddl escapades:

In case the link doesn't work, here's a screenshot of my insert statements:

And the ddl I used for the INSERT INTO requirement (just a segment of my full ddl):

INSERT INTO Orders (OrderNumber, ShipByDate, TimePrinted, ItemsOrdered, TotalCost)
VALUES ('123456789', '2016-05-01 21:00:00','2016-04-29 09:45:01','QWER1234, TYUI4321, TREW4987','42.97');
INSERT INTO Orders (OrderNumber, ShipByDate, TimePrinted, ItemsOrdered, TotalCost)
VALUES ('798465123', '2016-05-05 21:00:00','2016-05-04 11:01:22','QWER1234','10.11');

INSERT INTO Products (ItemNumber, ItemDescription, ItemLocation, NumberInStock, CaseQuantity)
VALUES ('QWER1234', 'A standard thingy.','04-12-66-01','12','4');
INSERT INTO Products (ItemNumber, ItemDescription, ItemLocation, NumberInStock, CaseQuantity)
VALUES ('TYUI4321', 'A common thingy.','02-34-10-08','5','2');
INSERT INTO Products (ItemNumber, ItemDescription, ItemLocation, NumberInStock, CaseQuantity)
VALUES ('TREW4987', 'An uncommon thingy.','03-04-22-02','4','5');

INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address)VALUES ('CuSto1234', 'Custard','Stove','123-456-7890','1234 W StreetName, CityName, State 12345');
INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, Address)VALUES ('OrDer4321', 'Ornate','Derivative','111-222-3334','4321 E StreetName, CityName, State 12346');
slewis52 Over 8 years ago