Matt Purnell

Craft 3 insert statements to populate data

Insert statements for Module I Task III

  • November 26, 2017 at 1:27 PM
  • Visible to public
INSERT INTO University (University_ID, University_Name) VALUES
  (1492059, "Parkland College"),
  (7452956, "University of Illinois");
INSERT INTO Course (Professor, Course_No, Section, Credit_Hours, Course_Name, University_ID) VALUES
  ("Charles Schultz", 176, 002, 4, "Intro to SQL", 1492059),
  ("Steve Jobs", 101, 001, 3, "Business and Economics", 7452956),
  ("Sigmund Freud", 200, 003, 4, "Psychology II", 1492059);
INSERT INTO Student (Username, ID, Major, University_ID, Course_No) VALUES
  ("mpurnell1", 2851947, "Data Systems and Development", 1492059, 176),
  ("wmozart1", 4572559, "Music Composition", 7452956, 101);