sandy abate

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

What is an FBA?

  • August 23, 2023 at 7:40 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
1.  What is a FBA:  An FBA is  a Functional Behavior Assessment.  This assessment is an approach to help understand why a student acts a certain way (behavioral challenges).  Behaviors occur for a reason and it is a method for helping identify what is behind the behavioral challenges to find ways to change it.

2.  Why is a FBA used:  To gather information to use it to help change the behavior.  Steps include: Defining behavior, gather and analyze information, find out the reason for the behavior and finally make a plan.

3.  Situations in which an FBA is used for are:  Helps look into behaviors with Special Educations students to see if those behaviors are interfering with their learning.  Also, Federal Law requires a FBA in certain cases for students who are disciplined or removed from school.  Usually because of serious behaviors i.e. drugs, weapons, threats.