Create a thriving learning communityWe want to see a group with 20 active users who have earned 5 different badges with custom badge images. Link to your group and show everyone how its done! More Info |
Spread the word!As a community leader you've told people about Badge List, Mozilla Open Badges, and your badge group. Link to three tweets that contain one each of the following: #openbadges, @badgelist and a link to your badge group. More Info |
Share your visionAs a community leader you have a vision for the future of digital credentials. Post a few paragraphs on what you believe badges are most useful now and how you see them being used in the future. More Info |
Cyara LeNise ThompsonCyaraLeNise |
Ms. VenturinoMVAVikingsTech |
Patty Granerpattygraner |
Sandra Gilbertmenxueiro |
Noor AlogaidiNoorAlogaidi |
Nydia Alexandra Manosalvas AgudeloAleny1983 |
Official AdminAdminQ4 |
Olivia EstesLivAnne |
Osha LeggettOshaleggett |
Owen Martinowenmart |
Patrick CooneyPrcooney10-- |
Paula Dillondillonp |
Ram Kumar NachupallyNRKGlobal101 |
Randy MacdonaldRandyIA |
Rocio Jazmín Contreras LoboMillie_jdr13 |
Scott Edward MoranGigemags |