Community Leader

Create a thriving learning community

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 16, 2015 at 3:43 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
We want to see a group with 20 active users who have earned 5 different badges with custom badge images. Link to your group and show everyone how its done!

All posted evidence

Unidos para iluminar el mundo 🌍 conoce el gran potencial de tu alma


EJAD אחד

Unidos para iluminar el mundo 🌍
zori26_ 3 months ago

As a community leader I continue to guide and inspire first generation students to continue their dreams of a post secondary education.

FGCU 360

FGCU reaps great harvest from CROP program

As a new academic year begins at every education level, Florida Gulf Coast University not only takes its own students...
dakendom Over 1 year ago

A good page

Badge List

Sign in to Badge List

Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
troyaadrian About 3 years ago

208 accounts with 150 active badge earners (daily)

Badge List

Concord Summer Online 2020

Concord Summer Online 2020 ** 20 challenges over 20 days ** @ConcordSummer #ConcordSummerOnline
concord_summer Over 4 years ago

If this evidence is ok or Not please inform me if not valid then please tell me the type of evidence



Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
muhammad_usman Almost 5 years ago

This is my profile for Edge Effect scholars, we take pride in making a better learning environment and creating new service opportunities.

Google Docs

Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

Create a new document and edit with others at the same time -- from your computer, phone or tablet. Get stuff done with or without an internet connection. Use Docs to edit Word files. Free from Google.
james-gradisek About 5 years ago

As an education network, we administer more than 4 groups in our SIM badges. This is one.

Badge List

Strategic Instruction Model™ Content Enhancement

Demonstrated competence in instructing a group or class through the co-construction and content instruction using Clarifying.
pattygraner Almost 8 years ago

I built this very community! I am proud to have helped so many people build their first badge.

Badge List

Badge List Community

This group contains badges that help people learn how to be successful with Badge List and recognize leaders within the community.
benroome About 8 years ago

Read across America youth

catherine Over 8 years ago

I have been training resources in topics pertaining to Healthcare Informatics since 2008.

lavanian Over 8 years ago

Amazing educators learning how to collaborate at one of the most amazing Early Childhood Centers in the Nation: Farias ECC


Farias ECC - Badge List

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
menxueiro Almost 9 years ago

Awesome CUE badging group


BadgED2016 - Badge List

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
miltology Almost 9 years ago