Badge List Helper

Award your first badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 5, 2015 at 10:36 PM by hankish
  • Evidence visible to public
Award a badge (or invite someone as a learner), then click on their face and copy the link of their progress log here.
To master this requirement award a badge to a student or colleague and post a link to the awardee's progress log below.

How to award a badge:

There are two ways to award a badge:
  1. Invite someone as a learner:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Learners section and click the Invite Learners button.  Learners will receive an invitation to join the badge and submit learning evidence at which point you can issue them the badge.
  2. Award the badge right away:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Experts section and click the Award the Badge button.  This will award the badge immediately without requiring the awardee to submit any evidence first.

All posted evidence

I awarded this badge to 40 people (as of this posting).


2015 SIM Conference Participant - Strategic Instruction Model Events - Badge List

Holders of this badge have participated in the 2015 SIM Conference, SIMposium. Highlights include introduction of the new SIM Micro-Credentialing program, a new Content Enhancement Routine, Scientific Argumentation, and new strategies, Understanding Academic Language, and two theme writing strategies addressing informative writing and persuasive writing as well as a multi media tool for teaching theme writing.
monatipton Over 9 years ago

This is the progress log of one SIM Professional Developers to whom I have awarded some micro-credential badges.

She earned this badge when I first opened the group.

MVA Viking Teachers

Badge Beginner awarded to Nicole Link

Created a BadgeList account and join the "MVA Viking Teachers"
mvavikingstech Over 9 years ago

a student presented to PD and earned the badge


Student Trainer awarded to Kailine Pham

You prepared & presented your knowledge to train teachers in technology at a teacher meeting.
miltology Almost 10 years ago

Here you can see the expert Damien Walsh, who I awarded the badge to.


Toe Dipper - #BSJbytes - Badge List

To join this badge, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
kieroneagle Almost 10 years ago
dorian Over 10 years ago