
Write a blog post about badges!

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  • Last updated November 13, 2016 at 10:34 AM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Write a blog post about #openbadges or @Badgelist and provide a link to the page.

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Teacher PD

Badge List Blog

Structuring Customized Teacher PD Programs with Badges

When Sarah Tidwell (@SarahTidwell6) of Turner Unified School District first heard about badges, she didn't immediately know how she would use them. One day she was talking to another instructional...
benroome Almost 6 years ago

My blog post on BL for customized teacher PD

Badge List Blog

Structuring Customized Teacher PD Programs with Badges

When Sarah Tidwell (@SarahTidwell6) of Turner Unified School District first heard about badges, she didn't immediately know how she would use them. One day she was talking to another instructional...
ben-roome Almost 6 years ago

I posted the work that will occur with badges on my blog The blog post micros for PD and young learners.


What Are Our Students Craving?

By: Amy Cooper What can we as educators unbundle from typical grading or the prominent practices of report cards we have happening... by making an important caveat: Are traditional assessments for young learners exclusive or discriminatory? As a fact of educational assessment positioning, over the past three decades of typical progress reporting in public education,...
amycooper Almost 6 years ago

Badges at badge list are fun and simple. But some are very hard. I try the simple ones first, then when I get better I go on to harder ones.

Badge List

Sign in to Badge List

Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
chloex Over 6 years ago

I am writing about the badges at badge list. Badges at badge list can be hard or very easy. Badges can make you create your own badges.

Badge List

Sign in to Badge List

Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
chloex Over 6 years ago

Digital badges: what they are and how they are created and assigned in an apprenticeship Surely you are familiar wit is spanish

Recursos TIC para profesores

Insignias digitales: qué son y cómo se crean y asignan en educación

Seguramente estás familiarizado con la adjudicación de las insignias tradicionales, como las estrellas y las medallas, que se conceden en el ejército o en los Boy Scouts para mostrar y exhibir los logros conseguidos en una habilidad concreta.
conferencis Over 6 years ago

It's about digital citizenship


Ciudadanía digital - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La ciudadanía digital supone la comprensión de asuntos humanos, culturales y sociales relacionados con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), así como la aplicación de conductas pertinentes a esa comprensión y a los principios que la orientan: ética, legalidad, seguridad y responsabilidad en el uso del Internet, las redes sociales y las tecnologías disponibles.
conferencis Over 6 years ago
WNC life

Skill Badges

How do you know someone has the skills needed to be successful at a job involving technology? Many students take computer classes in high school and get certified on software such as the microsoft office suite. But what about those who do not? A new way to provide evidence of technological skills involves earning badges....
wncneff Over 6 years ago

A description of how badges can be used by students and businesses.

wncneff Over 6 years ago

I blogged about the new year and how we are using Badge List for professional development.


Starting Another New School Year!

Last week Wednesday, I started my 5th year at The Oakridge School! I am excited with what the new school year brings! Over the last 2 years, I served as both the chair of a Research and Design Committee to explore block scheduling for our school, and served on the implementation committee to bring our block schedule to fruition.
mtknauf81 Almost 7 years ago

Post about badges for my students


¿Cómo le doy a mis alumnos badges?

Fuente: eres unos de l@s afortunad@s que cuentas con Moodle o alguna plataforma adaptada a las necesidades de los que apostamos por la gamificación, enhorabuena!
oriolurjc Almost 7 years ago

My own web site. 2000-2017 ~500 articles - Mehmet Keçeci

Open Digital Badges and Badgineer (Badge Engineer) Mehmet Keçeci 04.05.2017 Günümüzün yayınlaşan ve geleceğin önemli bir konusu olacak olan " Açık Dijital: Open Badge " Rozetler, Sertifikalar, Diplomalar, Katılım Belgeleri, Onur ve Takdir Belgeleri her geçen gün daha da önemli hâle gelmektedirler. Benim 250 civarında (Microsoft [3], Google, vs.)
mkececi About 7 years ago