
Write a blog post about badges!

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  • Last updated November 13, 2016 at 10:34 AM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Write a blog post about #openbadges or @Badgelist and provide a link to the page.

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¿LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA DE YOM KIPUR ? conocida como la guerra árabe-israelí de 1973,


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zori26_ 4 months ago

¡Descubre el Poder de las Insignias Digitales! En la era digital actual

Badge List

Digital badges provide recognition

Recognize members of your community for their accomplishments by issuing digital credentials. Badge List makes it easy to build, host and issue credentials in any context including enterprise, coaching, professional development, higher ed and K12 education
andrea13 7 months ago

Las insignias de lo tradicional


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darlen 7 months ago

Saludos, en el link podrán ver un breve ensayo sobre las insignias


Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat
glaygl5 About 1 year ago

Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.

Evidencia para lograr la insignia digital de blogger


insignias digitales su valor en los procesos de aprendizaje.

En un mundo globalizado y digital como el nuestro es importante incorporar en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje una herramienta digital como las insignias digitales, para estimular los logros, las experiencias y el desarrollo de habilidades del estudiantado, y es el lugar perfecto para satisfacer esta necesidad.
barrosmg Over 1 year ago

This is a post in my medium account about Badges. Hope it's any good!


Badges: Today's experience coin!

Are you looking for a way to show off your accomplishments, skills, and experiences? Or maybe you need to give a special reward to someone who's done something extraordinary? Well, if you're looking for the perfect badge to meet your needs, is the place for you!
pedrofabrizzioc About 2 years ago

A new post about openbadges

kueter Over 2 years ago

I wrote a blog post about the use of digital badges and professional development with teachers!

Miss Emily

Professional DEVELOPMENT wiith digital badges

Recently I have been looking into digital badges more. I think their use is really interesting and can provide a lot of new pathways for students and teachers to show their skills. By using digital...
emily-wolford Almost 4 years ago

World Famous Vashikaran Specialist in India Astrologer Sanjay Sharma +91-84378-43080 Email:


World Famous Astrologer Sanjay Sharma +91-8437843080

Marriage Specialist If Your are looking for the solution of your marriage problem like intercaste marriage issues,parents objection, partner is not ready for marriage, disputes in husband or wife after marriage or any kind of problem before or after the marriage contact to pandit ji Love Vashikaran Astrologer Sanjay Shamra is well known astrologer in the world he has been honoured by vashikaran gold medalist.
sanjaysharma About 4 years ago

Badges are fun and different. Still learning about them but i guess its always fun to learn about something knew.


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Social media marketing has so many benefits that its all but imperative for any successful business to have a successful strategy,

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miss_aziza777 Over 4 years ago