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Build or borrow a badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated August 22, 2016 at 5:22 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
You can now copy badges from other groups! Follow the quick instructions below. Thanks!
Follow this link to the BL blog to get quick instructions on how to copy badges from an open group.

Here's a list of Badge List open groups to choose from:

Once you've got a badge, leave a link in the evidence section below so we can bask in your glory!

All posted evidence

I copied the Science News Badge from Ms. Venturino's Science group.

Badge List

Learning to Fly

Come with me to explore beyond the Terran landscape.
wncneff Over 6 years ago

Badges I have copied & created to use when I present for staff PD, conferences, etc

Badge List

Mrs. Lemmo EdTech

Baltimore City Public Schools Model Teacher in the area of Library Media who is certified & an ambassador for numerous EdTech programs.
mrslemmo Over 6 years ago

Started collecting badges that I copied to edit to fit my school's needs

Badge List


WHEMS staff
mrslemmo Over 6 years ago

My first badge to explore

Badge List

Website Badge - Badge Explorers

To join this badge, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
smenegh Almost 7 years ago

My first badge

Badge List

Screencastify Beginner - Henderson High School

This badge is for users who have learned the basics of using the Screencastify extension for the Chrome web browser.
kevin-bryan Almost 7 years ago

My first badge

rschrader About 7 years ago

Created a Badge

innovbuild About 7 years ago

This is a badge that I created for my 8th graders to earn.

Badge List

Information Connector - Dr. Sigelakis 8th Grade English

In order to earn this badge you had to research a current event and make connections among people, events, and ideas.
kennedyga Over 7 years ago

Testing how this works

Badge List

Cowley College

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
shuddleston Over 7 years ago

I copied the "Badge Idea Maker" badge into the CASDAAP badge site.

Badge List

CASDAAP.org Working Group

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
mikeblois Over 7 years ago

I build my badge


Author awarded to Mehmet Keçeci

Be at least 3 ISBN registered book writers.
mkececi Over 7 years ago

My first badge

Badge List

Achiever - GNU Emacs Achievement Society

You have used the achievements package.
lesliesrussell Over 7 years ago