Create a learning groupPost a link to your learning group. In order to host your badges, you'll first need to create a learning group. From the home screen, just click "+create" button to get started. More Info |
Create BadgePost a link to the badge you've created. To do this just go to your learning group and click "New Badge" on the right of the banner. Then, once the badge is created, take a screenshot and post your badge image below. More Info |
List EvidencePost a link to a requirement page that you've created. Learning evidence is the heart of every badge. To add detail to your required evidence pages, click on the evidence item, click "create evidence page" and tell us what you want us to do to earn your badge. More Info |
Award BadgePost a link to the logs of two people you've awarded the badge to. Badges want to belong to people. Award the badge to people who have posted great evidence and really earned the badge you've created. Remember, a meaningful credential shows evidence of learning and/or engagement. More Info |
Richard MathyOldForge39 |
Robert PatrunaRobert-Patruna |
Sandra Gilbertmenxueiro |
Shannon HarrisShannon-Harris |
Shawn HandranDrHandran |
Stephen Larsonslarson |
Teresa MacKinnonteresamac |
Tiffany FranklinTiffanyFranklin |
Virginia Killian LundVirginiaUIC |
alexandre BenassarFabulis |
allwin educationallwinedu |
sydney londonsydneylondon |
teonahypercubehypercubeteona |
tiffany georgiadistgeorgiadis |
totototo123456789 |
wojtekwojtek |
yiseth cortes duquecortesyd |
Лидияidoigu15 |