Badge Builder

List Evidence

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 16, 2015 at 4:04 PM by hankish
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a link to a requirement page that you've created. Learning evidence is the heart of every badge. To add detail to your required evidence pages, click on the evidence item, click "create evidence page" and tell us what you want us to do to earn your badge.
First, list the requirements for earning your badge in short headings.  Then, inside the badge click the blue book icon to enter the requirement page.  Write a detailed description of what evidence you need to earn the badge.

In order to complete this phase, click "post evidence" next to the blue book icon, and leave a link to one of your evidence pages by copying the URL from your evidence page.

All posted evidence

Afficher le résultat du Quizizz

One of the requirements is to successfully set-up the equipment.

Text description of evidence for badge.

This link shows the requirements.

Badge List

8th Grade Scientist - 8th Science

To earn a badge, you must complete the following: Attend 7 out of 10 lunch activities in Science Class Room 18.
laura-rahe Over 7 years ago

These are the requirements.

Badge List

Physical Science Standards NGSS - Science Dept. 8th Grade

To earn a badge you must know the 8th grade NGSS standards. Attend 2 out of 3 collaboration days.
shannon-harris Over 7 years ago

requirements page

My first evidence design

Badge List

PjBL - Data Science

Este es el badge inicial de Project Based Learning
layala Over 7 years ago

Evidencia para el badge

Google Docs

Evidencia para obtener el badge

Evidencia para obtener el badge subscribirse a la web leer pestaña "herramientas"
fraszz Over 7 years ago

5 Areas of evidence that students must submit evidence for to earn the Responsibility Rutabaga

Badge List

Responsibity Rutabaga - Tyrone CIDL Badges

Students earn the Responsibility Rutabaga when they demonstrate responsible behavior in 5 key areas.
alexrwong Over 7 years ago

This Requirement page describes the process for capturing a screenshot for users that don't have experience with doing this.

lmgirolamo Over 7 years ago

I required evidence in 2 different ways


Connect With Twittter - Twitter Navigator - Brea BOLD

Open a Twitter account.Introduce yourself to the Twitter and Brea BOLD community in your first tweet. Be sure to include #BreaBOLD.
tosaterii Over 7 years ago

you need to follow the instruction on how to create your own badge and design and input all requirement fields.


First Badge - Environmental Life Science - Environmental Earth Life Science

Simply follow the steps on how to make a badge. Fill out each required field and select your icon, frame, and color of your badge. Then add your own requirement for other people to receive evidence on how to make their own badge.
mbarraza26 Over 7 years ago