Badge Builder

List Evidence

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 16, 2015 at 4:04 PM by hankish
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a link to a requirement page that you've created. Learning evidence is the heart of every badge. To add detail to your required evidence pages, click on the evidence item, click "create evidence page" and tell us what you want us to do to earn your badge.
First, list the requirements for earning your badge in short headings.  Then, inside the badge click the blue book icon to enter the requirement page.  Write a detailed description of what evidence you need to earn the badge.

In order to complete this phase, click "post evidence" next to the blue book icon, and leave a link to one of your evidence pages by copying the URL from your evidence page.

All posted evidence

Complete the checklist to earn this badge.


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cthomas Almost 6 years ago


I’ve just got my first badge and I’m so proud, many more badges to come !


Badge List Blog

Thoughts on Open Badges and learning tech from the Badge List team.
kylonevans30 Over 6 years ago

Haber superado los modulo 1 y 2 del curso ofimatica basica


Aula Virtual

El presente curso busca desarrollar las principales competencias en el manejo de estos programas para que cualquier persona, en apenas cuatro semanas, pueda generar documentos básicos pero con estilo y utilizar con facilidad el Internet y su correo electrónico.
onoval Over 6 years ago

This link leads to the evidence page for the first requirement needed to earn the NESTT Visitor Badge.


Picture in the NESTT - NESTT Visitor - BSU EDTE

1) Visit the NESTT Learning Lab located on the second floor of Ball State's Teachers College. 2) Politely ask one of the nice workers to introduce you to the technologies available at the lab. 3) Choose a specific technology that you would like to learn more about.
megniese20 Over 6 years ago

Complete the first unit of PLTW-END (Activity 1.1.8)

These badges are copied from Shawn Handran's.

Badge List

11. Tableau KB for Getting Unstuck - AP Statistics - Final Tableau Project

Use the Tableau Knowledge Base resource to get past hurdles and roadblocks.
hnjeon17 Over 6 years ago

criteria for Information Connector

Badge List

Information Connector - Dr. Sigelakis 8th Grade English

In order to earn this badge you had to research a current event and make connections among people, events, and ideas. (RI.1, RI.2, RI.3)
kennedyga Over 6 years ago

Here are the requirements

caelanhuntress Over 6 years ago

Requirements to earn AMS Tweets badge


AMS Tweets - Tweets for Austin - Austin Middle School

1. Create a Twitter account reserved specifically for tweeting about AMS. Use a separate account for your personal/professional life. Post a link to your Twitter account 2. Tweet 4 or more tweets per week. 3. Share positive news that promotes students, your class and our school. Include pictures.
angela-smyers Over 6 years ago

how to be a W-C edu tweeter

Badge List

Edu Tweeter - Wheatland-Chili

I have created an online presence on Twitter to expand my personal learning network!
carathetchr Over 6 years ago

This is a list of requirements for my badge.

Badge List

Breakout Boss - IES Badges

The teacher will schedule, help run, and reflect on a Breakout Session in their classroom.
lisamarie Over 6 years ago