QR Code Cub

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  • Last updated March 8, 2017 at 1:06 PM by travisklienow
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
How can you use QR codes in your class?

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Animal structures

I can give each group of students a qr code that gives them a direct link to an animal, and they will discuss with their group what animal structures the animals has to help it survive. 
jordanj Over 7 years ago

QR Codes

I have a website where I often post resources for students to use, a QR code is the fastest way to get them there. I often travel, and between QR codes and 1:1 iPads it decreases the amount of stuff I have to take with me, and also decreases my chance of forgetting something. Thankfully QR codes can be scanned off my iPad.

Students in my group are making models of forts and water parks this semester, when we're finished we'll set them up for an exhibition. People can come through and see what they did. We have a QR code where people can vote for their favorites.
popep Almost 8 years ago

I use QR codes for exercise stations to give students ideas on how to modify the skill.

I use QR codes in my classroom when I do stations.  I like students to bring their Ipads to PE and scan the QR code to get the exercise for that station.  The QR code link will often be more detailed giving students ideas on how to modify the exercise to their skill level.
waterkotteh Almost 8 years ago

So Many Uses!

I use QR codes in my classroom everyday. Students scan QR codes to listen to stories of their choice at my listen to reading station. We practice sight words with QR codes by scanning a code to hear the word read aloud and matching the heard word to the written word. QR codes are used for dictating sight words and students must write down the heard word. I have used QR codes on task cards so students can check their answers when they are done. I have used them in Write the Room activities. I have also linked students' projects to QR codes for other students or parents to scan.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

Tasks and QR codes

I redesigned a lesson where students are using knowledge of the books they are reading to answer questions and connect with their characters to the world, but instead of having them do it on a worksheet, we broke it into task for students to complete. Each task has 1 thing for them to do, all relating to different types of social media that their characters in the books might use. And we turned it into a game, to help motivate engagement.  QR codes will be placed around the room attached to PDF's of the tasks.  The students that complete the tasks first get a prize and the ones with the most creative answers also will get a prize.
sparelarissa Almost 8 years ago


QR Codes can be used for anything & everything! 

1) Technology Help in the Classroom
2) QRs for Seesaw Journals Gallery Walk 
3) Checking Independent Math Work
4) Taking students to a website or article 
dunlapa Almost 8 years ago

Ways to Use QR Codes

1. to give information or directions
2. to give a link to instructional or informational videos
3. give questions in the form of "scavenger hunt"
4. student created QR codes to share ideas and final products
5. student created QR codes for students to write questions for other students

leahcoffman Almost 8 years ago

Love using qr codes

I already use qr codes for several things in the classroom. One is a signout sheet for the restroom. Kids scan a code that goes to a Microsoft form and leave their iPad by the qr code till they return and sign in. It really easy to figure out and have evidence when a kid has mathitis or writing woes.

I have really been able to differentiate with qr codes. One on my favs was a jigsaw activity. Kids scanned a code they took them to an article on their level. That was their first group. No one knew who was reading higher or lower level content. Then when they met with peers to share info everyone was able to contribute.

I have qr codes for several places we log into regularly.  I've also used them for kids to download files- but now I just airdrop those.

I've had a goal for a while to have kids make qr codes of book talks and attach them to classroom library book. 

Id like to record activities in the classroom and put a qr code outside our door to let people peek into our room.
ruffteacher Almost 8 years ago

Gallery Walks with qr Codes

I use QR codes in my class to help my students quickly get to the information they need to. 

I also like to use QR codes to share work with each other. At the beginning of the year, I had a publishing party. Students worked hard on their writing and they uploaded it to Seesaw. Seesaw has a feature that allows you to create a QR code that links to the student's work. I printed of the QR codes for each student and placed them around the room. Students then took their ipads and did a gallery walk, scanning the qr codes, reading their classmate's writing, and leaving feedback on sticky notes. I love it because you don't need a Seesaw account to access the work from the QR code. So if you wanted to invite parents or administrators who wouldn't have an account, they can still easily view the work!! 
paigefickbohm Almost 8 years ago

QR Codes in the Classroom

There are a ton of ways to use them in the classroom. My favorites ways  to us QR codes are:

1. Answer keys -turn an answer key into a QR code and students can check their own work. 

2. Student  created QR codes: I like having them write book summaries and turn them into QR codes. I have several placed in books in my classroom library that past students have created. 
rolandteach Almost 8 years ago


QR code that links students to xtramath.org

Since their is no single sign-on, some of the students struggle with logging on to the website.
seifertp Almost 8 years ago

I can continue to use QR codes to provide problems or answer keys to students or share links.

rabangj Almost 8 years ago