QR Code Cub

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  • Last updated March 8, 2017 at 1:06 PM by travisklienow
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
How can you use QR codes in your class?

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QR Research

I used a QR code this week to help me students quickly get to the National Geographic website to complete their state research.
tabor18 About 6 years ago

Using the QR Code.

I am using a QR Code scoot game in my whole group math time. The QR Code reader will tell the students the answer to the problem, this allows them to check their work.
lcl03 About 6 years ago

How will I use QR codes?

I plan on using QR codes to help Kindergarten and first grade students access websites that they may have trouble typing the website for. Not every website has an app, so this is an easy way for them to be able to get onto the sites. I will also link videos and other media to QR codes for reference during lessons with students. 
echapman Over 6 years ago


I can use QR Codes in my classroom by turning students' linked work into QR codes to send to parents so they can see what their students are doing in the classroom. I would also like to use this to have students share book reviews with other students and be able to scan them and learn more about books their friends have read!
trishelle Over 6 years ago

QR codes

I use Qr codes to turn a boring worksheet into a more interactive activity. QR codes are great for getting kids to website or document very quickly. 

tidwells Almost 7 years ago

QR Codes

I use QR codes with students in small groups.   The QR codes are attached to an audio document that guides the students through a worksheet.  We call these listen and learn worksheets.  This is a way I can teach one group of students while working with personally with another group or individual.
schlessmanj About 7 years ago

QR Codes

I can use QR codes for my students to access the Khan Academy website, using task cards, and for classkick codes. I think they're a great resource to get students moving on app or website quickly and easily.
haynesa About 7 years ago

How to use QRs

I can use them to help get students to websites quicker. I have also used it for student's classkicks for the week. I have even used them for a place value task card activity!
ncoyan Over 7 years ago

How to use QR codes in a 3rd grade classroom.

QR codes can be used to quickly send students to websites that may be complicated to find or type.  QR codes can be used for login pages, research websites, and the list goes on.  QR codes are an efficient and effective resource for any classroom.  For an animal research project, students can be given QR codes with kid friendly search engines for research. 
crumpacker Over 7 years ago


Used a form of scoot during whole group math lesson. The lesson was called QR Math, incorporating 2-Digit subtraction. The code showed the students answers after they worked the problems to check work.
lcl03 Over 7 years ago

QR codes in the elementary library

I use QR codes in the library often to introduce new sites. Most recently, I have posted a QR code that leads students to the Caldecott award winners so students can search for those books in the library. 
delaom Over 7 years ago

QR Codes

I use a QR code in my classroom for a link to a google form to check out books from my classroom library!
rschrag Over 7 years ago