#1 Badge

What are you excited to learn as you earn badges?

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link

All posted evidence

How to become an effective classroom manager and engage student learning

dfichtner Over 6 years ago

Technology and collaboration!

I'm excited to learn new technology that I can use in the classroom, and to be able to collaborate with colleagues.
delaom Over 6 years ago


Learn new strategies and ways to incorporate technology in class
jervaef Over 6 years ago

I am am excited to participate in professional development through technology

I am excited to learn about all of the various ways that I can get my students to be motivated to learn through technology.
brownk Over 6 years ago

What I'm most excited about!

I'm excited to learn about more ways to actively engage my students in learning. I'm looking forward to finding more ideas on how to incorporate technology in the classroom daily! 
ehutch27 Over 6 years ago

Excited for a new resource!

I am excited to learn new ideas and techniques to use in my classroom this year.  
haynesa Over 6 years ago

Classroom management

Learning how to effectively manage my classroom and transition from activities fluidly.
dentonhays Over 6 years ago

Finding new ways of integrating technology in the classroom.

sdsteffen Over 6 years ago

Professional Development

I am most excited to grow as an educator at my own pace and interests.  It is a bit overwhelming but I am excited about what the future holds while I advance in education and become the best version of myself.
crumpacker Over 6 years ago

I am excited to learn about new technology and incorporate it into my classroom.

rschrag Over 6 years ago

Excited for...

I am excited to learn about tools and materials that are useful to my classroom. I hope this will improve my teaching style as well as materials to make the classroom more engaging. 
sipesm Over 6 years ago

Badge #1

I'm excited to learn more about how to continually add to my teaching/classroom to gain and keep student motivation. I'm also looking forward to seeing other ideas and perspectives on ways to teach.  
halla Over 6 years ago