#1 Badge

What are you excited to learn as you earn badges?

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link

All posted evidence

Excited about...

Iā€™m excited about learning new technology for my math classroom!
hickmana Over 6 years ago

Excited about...

incorporating new technology into my lessons.
frayerb Over 6 years ago

Teaching content

learn new ways to teach content 
smithha Over 6 years ago

Earning from Learning šŸ‘šŸ¼

Iā€™m looking forward to earning from learning. āœŒšŸ¼
alexis0124 Over 6 years ago

Excited to continue to grow as an learner!

base10 Over 6 years ago

Badge 1

New technology in an effort to increase student engagement
hollands Over 6 years ago

I am excited to learn about new things that I can integrate into the classroom!

brownings7 Over 6 years ago

I am excited to incorporate new technology into my lessons.

frayerb Over 6 years ago

Learn how to do a better job reaching all the different lev l of learners in my classroom.

Learn how to do a better job reaching all the different lev l of learners in my classroom. 
kristinwilliams Over 6 years ago

I want to learn about how to utilized rotation groups in my class to meet all learners needs.

ericae Over 6 years ago

New technology I can use

cutchallk Over 6 years ago

I am excited for new opportunities to work at my own pace to learn new ways to teach students.

caitlinnicole12 Over 6 years ago