#1 Badge

What are you excited to learn as you earn badges?

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  • Last updated February 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link

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How I can use this in my classes for Future 101unit completion.

joet About 5 years ago

It will be so fun to learn about these new Badges!

atkinsona Over 5 years ago

Excited for badges.

I am excited to learn different ways of teaching and different point of views to help me become a better teacher.  
ebarajas21 Over 5 years ago

I'm excited to learn how I can use this in my classroom!

caglej Over 5 years ago

Excited about learning!

I'm excited about learning how this will apply to speech therapy.
lrabanal Over 5 years ago

I am excited to learn new strategies!

I am excited to learn new ways to engage student learning and incorporate new ideas into my classroom. It's great to be able to pick specific PD that applies to me.
kargc Over 5 years ago

I am excited to learn more about badges and learn alongside my peers in the district.

erin-argie Over 5 years ago

I hope to learn new ways to engage my class.

sarahliz1984 Over 5 years ago

I am excited to learn new things that I can use in my classroom!

scheerk Over 5 years ago

I think it will help engage my students and give me new ideas.

kcjaney Over 5 years ago

Learning from colleagues

I am excited to see what other educators and administrators share on the different badges. These ideas could be applied to my classroom! 
gracek Over 5 years ago

New ideas for my classroom!

I am excited to learn about new ideas for my classroom! 
nksmith Over 5 years ago