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  • Last updated January 9, 2018 at 3:24 AM
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4. Collaborator

CollaboratorEducators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems. Educators:CLOSE 4aDedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology. 4bCollaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues. 4cUse collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally. 4dDemonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and colleagues and interact with them as co-collaborators in student learning.
jmpelger Over 6 years ago


Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.

By posting reasources online for other teachers to utilize, we are collaborating with each other to help our students learn the material in the best way possible. 
teter28 Over 6 years ago


Collaborator: Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems
mcne4432 Over 6 years ago


Learner: Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. Educators:
mkyncl Over 6 years ago


Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.

I chose collaborator because teachers can come to this website and use lesson plans created by other individuals, and they can review and evaluate the lesson plans to enhance them. 
lorengiles Over 6 years ago

Analyst; citizen

Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in achieving their learning goals.
Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world
schupacker Over 6 years ago