Date and LocationPost the date of the update you attended and the city where it took place. More Info |
Upload a Conference PhotoTake a picture at the conference and upload it! More Info |
Comment on a SessionComment on at least one session in the "Post Evidence" section below. These comments will be accessible by all other Conference Participant Badge learners, experts, and anyone accessing your badge in the future. Be sure to include the name of the session and who is presenting. More Info |
Your thoughts on Micro-credentialing and SIMPost your responses to the following question: What are your thoughts about the SIM micro-credential badge program? More Info |
Angela Lynn Brayabray |
Daria CronicDaria |
Deanna Coxdealea |
Debbie HigginbothamRetired6 |
Elizabeth H. Gibbselizabethgibbs |
Gloria ShermanDaisymae123 |
Janet Anthonyjbateacher |
Karen MitchellKSM |
Kristin Sinclairkdmclear |
Marianne HaulkMar1222 |
Melissa WilsonMGWilson |
Pamela Dee Leitzellpamleitzell |
Tricia BrongerTricia |
peonya@ku.edupeonya-ku-edu |