2019 SIM Update Participant

Your thoughts on Micro-credentialing and SIM

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  • Last updated January 28, 2019 at 11:52 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Post your responses to the following question: What are your thoughts about the SIM micro-credential badge program?

All posted evidence

I am very honored and excited to be a part of the micro-credentialing process.

daisymae123 Over 5 years ago

I'm excited to be a part of the micro-credentialing process.

jbateacher Almost 6 years ago

I think it's a wonderful modification for continuing to spread SIM in an educational world where time is of the essence.

retired6 Almost 6 years ago

The SIM Badges allow educators to choose their own professional learning journey and document their areas of SIM expertise.

pamleitzell Almost 6 years ago

The micro-credentialing badge program is phenomenal!

The micro-credentialing badge program is phenomenal! For someone who loves and needs a checklist to keep track of such a busy life, the badge program lends a streamlined platform to check off each evidence and share experiences with our network of SIM professional developers across the nation. SIM is truly the best kept secret in education, and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be apart of and earn micro-credentials with such an impactful organization.
fernanderss1 Almost 6 years ago

I am excited about being part of the SIM Badging program!

Being able to be a part of the SIM Micro-credential Badge program has been very beneficial for me.  Although I have been using several Content Enhancement strategies for several years - I have gotten a deeper knowledge by teaching the strategies to other teachers.  I know that these strategies are beneficial to my students!
becky11 Almost 6 years ago

I like the idea of micro credentials. It acknowledges the people who are in the process of building their SIM experiences.

daria Almost 6 years ago

thrilled to have the opportunity to earn individual learning badges to build sustainability in our district.

kdmclear Almost 6 years ago

Benefits SIM & Micro-credentialing

I truly appreciate that the credentialing program helps not only to recognize teachers for the work they do in the classroom (to bridge the gap for struggling learners); it helps to validate the need for this type of instructional model to build the necessary skills/strategies needed by our students.
dealea Almost 6 years ago

Thumbs up!

    A few attendees at the update received badges through  Micro-credentialing.  Wonderful to see and a great way to build capacity and to engage individuals in the dialogue regarding SIM.  
ksm Almost 6 years ago

Micro-Credentialing and SIM

SIM has opened up a whole new world for me as a teacher and as a professional.  Xtreme Reading was my introduction to SIM, and after I saw the impact of the program on students in my room, I knew I wanted to share Xtreme and SIM with others.  Luckily, I am in a district that is beginning to get serious about changing how we approach adolescent literacy.  As a result, I have been able to attend the SIM PPDIs, and I am excited about being able to officially train in and outside of my district.  

I have learned so much in the last two years.  I would venture to say that I've learned more through the SIM PD than any other PD I've ever attended.  I love how versatile the each strategy is and how you can connect one strategy to the next.  These strategies really have the power to transform classrooms---from the teachers to the students.  With this being only my second year, I know that there is so much more to learn, and I am excited to see where this journey take me, teachers, and students!
mgwilson Almost 6 years ago