Vocabulary LINCing Routine (PL)

1. Date and Reflection

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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Completed on 6/17/2022

I started this self-paced professional learning on June 8, 2022, and completed it on June 17, 2022. I tried using the LINCing routine to make LINCs tables with English vocabulary words that I can use in small groups in the next school year. I would also like to try using this learning when teaching Greek and Latin roots to students in my self-contained English class. 
alexandracooper Over 2 years ago

March 2021

I was impressed by the Vocabulary LINCing Routine. I find that this routine will be especially helpful for students who have disabilities, students who are English Language Learners, and those students who are at risk due to limited vocabulary. This routine can aid students in developing connections between the vocabulary and real life experience of the words, or in making the connection across curriculums.
ssamples Almost 4 years ago

I attended this PD on June 20, 2017.

bgilchrist Over 4 years ago


As a fifth grade teacher and reading specialist, I find the Vocabulary LINCing Routine to be a valuable tool to use with my students who need a structure for making the connections necessary for learning vocabulary. The visual cues are especially helpful for many students in making those connections.
angieb About 5 years ago

July 19, 2017

Professional learning completed at VDOE Excellence in Co-Teaching Academy in Richmond.
angieb About 5 years ago

12/4/18: Vocab/LINCing Routine

This is a great strategy for learning vocabulary using reminding words and pictures to trigger auditory and visual memory.
laurienewsome Over 5 years ago

December 2018 Harrisburg PA


Looking forward to working with teachers on this strategy!
jacquline Over 5 years ago

Dec 4-5 PaTTAN Harrisburg Training

Attended PaTTAN SIM training with Patty Graner and Diane Gillam. 
bob73 Almost 6 years ago

Attended SIM training in Harrisburg.

First SIM training December.  Also attended April 2019 SIM training in Harrisburg with Patty and Diane.
julie_vanscoy Almost 6 years ago


This was an interesting way for students to put difficult words into long term memory by creating their own links to common words or words that sound like the target word. I'll be interested to see how student's process this routine
eeighmy Almost 6 years ago

We learned about the Vocabulary Lincing Routine.

We learned about the Vocabulary Lincing Routine and had an opportunity to practice one.  It was beneficial to work as a group to create a Lincing routine.
loriannhoffman Almost 6 years ago