Framing Routine (FI)

7. Engage with Coach

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  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 11:28 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell us about your coaching feedback and follow up.
Tell us about your coaching feedback and follow up.

All posted evidence

Coach Feedback

I appreciate the fact that Ms. Pace encourages the flexibility/adaptability of the frame and emphasizing that it should be used with fidelity for the benefit of the students. I think that she liked the idea of taking ideas of the frame and implementing them into how Sara and I's OneNote is set up for students to access various main ideas. I do find myself having an easier time implementing the frame into my self-contained class vs. my co-taught class which Ms. Pace respected. It felt good to get complimented from my coach about how well I was trying to adapt the frame to high school Algebra and trying to chunk skillsets down enough to where students can easily refer back to the frame and how my schoology classroom is set up for accessing information. I do need to keep making sure that I don't put to much information into the frame and allow additional practice to be practice outside of the frame that would go together in tandem. 
albe7707 Almost 2 years ago


I have co-taught with Donna Cox for many years.  We are both certified History teachers, and I am also a certified special education teacher.  Donna has been my primary coach and Dana McCaleb has also helped us.  
kitwilliams Almost 2 years ago

Ms. Parrott is the best!

Google Docs

Voss Engage with Coach

Ms. Pat Parrott was a wonderful coach to work with. She explained the requirements for Badge List and answered all of my questions about the Framing Routine. We met virtually and discussed the SIM Microcredential on 11/15/22, 1/10/23, and 3/7/23, as well as kept in contact via email. By January,...
voss17 Almost 2 years ago

Engage with Coach (Ms. Pat Parrott)

Google Docs

Benson Engage with Coach

Ms. Pat Parrott was a wonderful coach to work with. She explained the requirements for Badge List and answered all of my questions about the Framing Routine. We met virtually and discussed the SIM Microcredential on 11/15/22, 1/10/23, and 3/7/23, as well as kept in contact via email. By January,...
benson17 Almost 2 years ago

Feedback from Shelley Littleton

Feedback provided through Device Checklist on 1/27/2023, Feedback on Frame Implementation video 2/10/2023
thend015 Almost 2 years ago

Engaging with Christine Frawley

Chris Frawley was our SIM Coach and was absolutely fantastic.  She met with us multiple times via Zoom to assist us with any questions we had and gave us suggestions for our application of the FRAME.  After observing us in the classroom, she provided us with additional feedback and suggestions for differentiation and extension.
efleming Almost 2 years ago

Meet bi-weekly with my coach (Morri).

She given me feedback on my frames, helped me understand different frames, and given ideas. She has been very helpful and available throughout this school year. 
manderson Almost 2 years ago

Engaging with Chris Frawley

Chris Frawley was our SIM Coach and was absolutely fantastic.  She met with us multiple times via Zoom to assist us with any questions we had and gave us suggestions for our application of the FRAME.  After observing us in the classroom, she provided us with additional feedback and suggestions for differentiation and extension.

lauren-ayers Almost 2 years ago

Shelley Littleton

Shelley was the best coach I could have asked for while completing this brand new process. Because this routine is difficult to implement in the pre-K setting, Shelley helped us figure out how we could use this process to meet the needs of our very young students. Her response time to emails was always so quick and all of the information provided was very detailed and easy to understand. 
dsentz Almost 2 years ago

Communication with Gina Martin

I met with Gina Martin on zoom several times.  We also communicated through email so that I could send her my frames, videos and ask questions.  
jennifergoodwin About 2 years ago

Had a Zoom meeting with coach Sarah Davidson today to make sure that everything is uploaded for the badge properly. We discussed the steps

kbruening2019 Almost 3 years ago

Coach's feedback-helpful

Sarah always has great suggestions for helping me to improve my implementation of SIM devices. For this particular one, she noticed that the class wasn't asnwering many questions during the review portion. She made a suggestion that I have since tried and it has helped increase the engagement with my students.
kbruening2019 Almost 3 years ago