Framing Routine (FI)

6. Submit a Log

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 11:28 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Log: •What went well - Why? •What was a challenge - Why? •What you will do next time •What adjustments you made •Ideas generated for issues encountered •Etc._Post your log._*****Optional: Submit a Student Interview (interview a student about usefulness and implementation)*****
Log: What went well - Why?
What was a challenge - Why?
What you will do next time
What adjustments you made
Ideas generated for issues encountered

To post:
You may choose to type your log in here directly.  If you choose to submit a document or other file, you can upload  using a file sharing app (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or something simpler like File Dropper)
Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboard
Paste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.  When you hit save the URL will automatically be turned into a link.
It's useful to then click on the link and make sure everything works as desired.

All posted evidence

Polynomials Log for Block 6, class of 31 students for Algebra II

albe7707 Almost 2 years ago

Log of Implementation

Implementing the FRAME works well for so many reasons.  As I mentioned earlier, I have been using the FRAME Routine for about 20 years.  I use it to introduce new content, float content, and to review content by referring back to their FRAMEs.  The FRAME Routine gives the students the structure that they need to make sense of the information and to make connections between information and concepts.  Because I have been implementing for so many years, I really did not have any issues.  The biggest thing is to always remember to complete the Extend your understanding.  
kitwilliams Almost 2 years ago

Whole-Class Student Interview Amber Benson & Ruby Voss

benson17 Almost 2 years ago

Log for March 7, 2023 Implementation of Framing Routine Topic: Composite Area with Subtraction (SOL 8.10)

Google Docs

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benson17 Almost 2 years ago

Wow, this just might be awesome!

Google Docs

Voss Log.docx

Date of Use of Framing Routine: March 15, 2023 Topic: Slope (SOL 8.16 a. b. d.) What went well and why? The first time I completed a FRAME with a small group of students and realized that it would be more effective as a larger group.
voss17 Almost 2 years ago
Google Docs

Copy of Evidence #6 FRAME Log of Implementation

FRAME Log of Implementation 11/9/2022 What went well-why? The students were overall attentive. I feel that the structure of the FRAME routine helped with this. What was a challenge-why? The biggest challenge was implementing the FRAME with the fidelity criteria/checklists and hitting all ...
thend015 Almost 2 years ago

Log Form

Google Docs

Evidence #6 FRAME Log of Implementation

FRAME Log of Implementation 11/2/2022 Inequalities Frame What went well-why? Student completion of the frame was successful. I think the frame gave students a clear and concise guide to determine the different meanings of the inequality symbols. What was a challenge-why? Student attention...
nancy-kast Almost 2 years ago

My log/reflection

 What went well - Why?
  • Overall, the use of the Alternative Co-Teaching Model was successful because students who struggled with the vocabulary were able to actively engage and participate in the co-constructing of the Frame. This model allowed for the learning of many of the other students to be extended in order to challenge their thinking.
What was a challenge - Why?
  • The overall challenge was trying to meet the needs of all students while using this Frame. It was difficult to differentiate the Frame in a way that still fostered a student-centered co-construction.
What you will do next time?
  •  In order to extend the students’ understanding, I would present a word problem with different models. The students would have to review the word problems and find the model that it matched. This would allow for some higher-level thinking and align my instruction with the students in the larger group.
What adjustments you made
  •  As the students assisted with co-constructing the differentiated FRAME, I adjusted their suggested wording to fit students’ understanding. This allowed for students to understand their FRAME with the correct content.
efleming Almost 2 years ago

Reflect of session

The students were able to explain their thinking through different multiplication strategies and show with visuals. Keeping their attention was extra challenging during this session (as they know I was recording and became interested in the video camera). Next time, I would like to differentiate the frame to involve the higher students in the classroom. I would also allow for more time with the lower students, as we needed to use math manipulative before showing our work on the frame.
manderson Almost 2 years ago

FRAME Reflection

What went well?
Overall, the use of the Alternative Co-Teaching Model was successful because students who struggled with the vocabulary were able to actively engage and participate in the co-constructing of the Frame. This model allowed for the learning of many of the other students to be extended in order to challenge their thinking. I was happy with how well the students worked in collaborative groups. After I modeled completion of some of the components of the Frame, students were able to successfully work together to create their own word problems and models of multiplication and add them to their individual Frames. This allowed for student choice and gave students a feeling of ownership for their own work.

What was a challenge?
Our overall challenge was trying to meet the needs of all students while using this Frame. It was difficult to differentiate the Frame in a way that still fostered a student-centered co-construction. It was also difficult for the students to brainstorm word problems that would match each model of multiplication. Students successfully worked in collaborative groups, but this task was still very challenging for most students.

What will you do differently next time?
The spacing on the Frame was smaller than expected, so I would include lines in each section for students to write on. This would assist with handwriting difficulties and would allow students to be able to read their work easier after completion.

What adjustments were made?
In the smaller group, visuals of each multiplication model were provided to assist students with identifying the main ideas and activating their prior knowledge about each model. These cut-and-paste visuals also eliminated the written creation of models for students with occupational therapy weaknesses.
lauren-ayers Almost 2 years ago

Information on how the implementation of this framing routine went can be found here.

dsentz Almost 2 years ago

Attached is a log of how each implementation went.

Google Docs

Evidence #6 FRAME Log of Implementation

FRAME Log of Implementation First Trial: 12/7/2022 What went well-why? The students loved being able to touch the smart board and loved the pictures they had to choose from. They were motivated to wait their turn. What was a challenge-why? We have some students who are much higher than o...
dsentz Almost 2 years ago