Brianna Boliver

Part 2: New Approach


  • May 7, 2023 at 5:34 PM
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The quote from the video that really resonated with me was, "When we're rewarding and punishing, it's something we're doing to them.  And I find that it's a lot more productive and a lot more effective to do something with them, as partners, as teammates, rather than using parental power to make something happen." As I have worked through this very challenging year, I have learned that the more you build relationships and stop making heated decisions the better it is for the student and even yourself. For example, one of my students shuts down often, just changing the wording from, “here are your options”, to “what do you need from me to help you” has made a huge difference! They respond so much calmer, and actually have started making decisions on their own that are far better than the decisions that were previously being made, when they were “heated”. Another quote that fits is, “Behaviorally challenging kids are not lacking motivation...behaviorally challenging kids are lacking some very important skills in the very global domains of flexibility, adaptability, frustration tolerance, problem solving." This is something that reminds me of the importance of having and planning those SEL lessons to help give students more ways to cope with their big emotions that they experience inside and outside of school.