Part 1: Kids Do WellDr. Greene explains his premise "Kids Do Well If They Can" and well as 5 other key themes underpinning his approach. More Info |
Part 2: New ApproachDr. Greene explains the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model on the Studio 10 show. More Info |
Part 3: Plan A, B, or C?What are the three ways to solve the problem of unmet expectations in challenging children? More Info |
CTLE requestOnce you have completed your badge and received feedback from your instructor, please complete the form to receive your CTLE certificate from the instructor. More Info |
Amy CriddleAcriddle |
Amy Marciniakamymarciniak14 |
Angela LutherAgluther124 |
Barbara ClareBC0701 |
Brianna Boliverbboliver |
Cheryl Carr-DominyChey67 |
Christina Van Remmenmrsvanremmen |
Christine UtzigCUtzig |
Colleen McNamaracmcnamara |
Daena ThompsonThompsonk12 |
Erren Marie Brothersebrothers1025 |
Jennifer Amojamo04 |
Adriel Kedleyakedley |
Alyssa HeitmanAHeitman |
Andrew AlterioANDREWA511 |
Angel BackAngel74 |
Carrie O'Briencaobrien024 |
Christine Lopardiclopardi |
Darlene PetschkeDarlenePetschke |
Jennifer SmutekJennifer2929 |
Kelsey Anthonykanthony1 |
Kimberly McAuleyKimnjacey |
Lee TojekLee141 |
Lisa Plonkalisap1014 |