Sample- Digital Badge

What are Digital Badges?

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  • Last updated November 18, 2018 at 4:37 PM by lmgirolamo
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell how you would describe what Digital Badges are to someone who doesn't know.
If you're not sure what Digital Badges are you are welcome to watch the Intro to Digital Badges video at (need to copy and paste link) or search for more information on your own. 

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Like a Portfolio!

Badges serve as recognition of efforts the learner attempts, and feedback is essential to know if all was done correctly.  What a great way to showcase the talents of your teachers!
rob-zdrojewski Almost 6 years ago

Digital Badges

Digital badges are a way to get PD on your own Any time frame.  You get credit for learning a particular skill.  
kkeenan Almost 6 years ago

Digital Badges show proficiency in specific skills or apps. They can be used to allow Pd sessions that can be teacher directed.

shawn-christman Almost 6 years ago

A digital badge is a short list of pieces, a summary of evidence that you have completed a particular digital/technical skill.

lauren-goldman Almost 6 years ago

Merit badges for PD!

Digital badges are an online way to record progress with PD.  This seems like a good method to organize progress and instruction.
jimczad Almost 6 years ago

What is a digital badge?

A digital badge is earned after an individual joins the badge opportunity, takes the steps to earn the badge through learning, then submits their evidence for feedback. Once the individual receives the feedback showing evidence of the learned skill they are then given a digital “sticker” or badge that represents their learning.
desiree-moore Almost 6 years ago

A digital badge is a symbol given to someone who has learned a particular skill.

stephen-holmes Almost 6 years ago

It’s an easy way to demonstrate proficiency in a topic by working towards a goal at your own pace.

travis-godkin Almost 6 years ago

They are self-paced indicators of your progression through learning new skills.

nlittlepage Almost 6 years ago

Proof of a skill set.

A digital badge allows a person to show others that they are accomplished in an area.
brendaaull Almost 6 years ago

A digital badge is an indicator of an accomplishment of a new skill that gives the learner control over time, place, path, and pace.

anon123 Almost 6 years ago

Badges are amazing

When speaking with people that don't know what badges are, I usually just describe them as achievements. By completing the tasks within the badge, you are gaining an achievement that shows you are proficient in the skills identified in that badge. 
chris-shaffer Almost 6 years ago