Sample- Digital Badge

What are Digital Badges?

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  • Last updated November 18, 2018 at 4:37 PM by lmgirolamo
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell how you would describe what Digital Badges are to someone who doesn't know.
If you're not sure what Digital Badges are you are welcome to watch the Intro to Digital Badges video at (need to copy and paste link) or search for more information on your own. 

All posted evidence

Recognition of completed PL

Digital badges can be used for Professional development, portfolio building, and recognition. 
twanda Over 2 years ago

Digital badges are microcredentials that show that you have mastered a specific task.

dsmlibrary Over 2 years ago

Digital badges are micro-credentials...

Digital badges are micro-credentials that verify learners have submitted evidence competence in a skill or set of skills. When using a platform such as Badge List, meta data is attached to the micro-credential.
tclarkeee Over 2 years ago

Digital badges are a form of “micro-credential” that are given to indicate that the holder is proficient in a specific set of skills.

Digital badges are a form of “micro-credential” that are given to indicate that the holder is proficient in a specific set of skills. Badge earners have control over time, place, path, and pace. Digital badges can be customized to meet the needs of individual learners. Feedback is required to be given after completion of evidence after the process is completed.
kimberly13 Over 2 years ago

Badges are..

A digital image file earned by a learner when they demonstrate proficiency with a skill. The image file contains metadata about badge criteria and evidence.
sten-anderson Over 2 years ago

Bite sized asynch PD

psweeney Over 3 years ago

Badges to encourage professional development

liza-gonzalez Over 3 years ago

A Digital Badge symbolizes the work that you completed to develop a specific skill or skill set.

slporter Over 3 years ago

A digital badge is form of "micro-credential that certifies the holder is proficient in a specific skill or set of skills.

ladyliberty Over 3 years ago

Digital Badges

Digital Badges are "micro-credentials" that can be customized to the needs of the learner (time, place, path, and pace). After completing the requirements and receiving feedback, the badge holders are proficient in the skills they have signed up to learn.
aida-sanabria Over 3 years ago

A badge is an earned micro-credential that enables the badge earner to work at their own pace and then submit evidence of learning.

A badge is an earned micro-credential that enables the badge earner to work at their own pace and then submit evidence of learning. The person earning the badge takes the time to go through various learning activities that have been carefully crafted and created. It is a way to show your passion/learning by posting it underneath your email signature.
aleibel Over 3 years ago

Digital Badge

A digital badge is a micro-credential that represents learning that you have completed and provided evidence of your competency on the topic.
tara-schneider Almost 4 years ago