03. Discover and Curate Public Data

Source Data

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated January 29, 2017 at 1:19 PM by drhandran
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a URL link to source of the public dataset that you are using to complete this badge. Include a descriptive caption. The curated data file in the second part of this badge should be from the URL you have indicated here. Optional: add a link to the Wiki page to help other badge learners.

All posted evidence

IMDB 5000 Movie Data


IMDB 5000 Movie Dataset - dataset by popculture

28 Variables for 5043 movies Spanning Across 100 years in 66 countries
eddie-hua1 Over 6 years ago

Population and ownership by household of dogs and cats broken down by state via American Veterinary Medical Association.

Tableau Public


A buffet of materials to help get you started, or take you to the next level.
zedd-shen Over 6 years ago

Billionaires CSV Library From the CORGIS Dataset Project


Welcome to the Kennel

An organizational site for the CT@VT Project
ricardo-wen Over 6 years ago

This is my new source date

Tableau Public


A buffet of materials to help get you started, or take you to the next level.
dengjiahe Over 6 years ago

This is where I found my source.

Tableau Public


A buffet of materials to help get you started, or take you to the next level.
hebe-chi1 Over 6 years ago

Natality data in the US from 2007-2016


Natality Information

CDC WONDER is a system for disseminating Public Health data and information
vince-argonza Over 6 years ago

states internet speed


2010 State Internet Speeds - dataset by chapmanclay

2010 Internet download and upload speeds. Includes quality of internet, average price, and various demographic data.
jordan-liu Over 6 years ago

Link to webpage of "Threatened Species" Data


Threatened species

OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD's many databases.
allen Over 6 years ago

This data showcases the statistics of passengers of the Titanic.

earthquake of a magnitude of 6 or more

Chinese city's population density


China Population 2018 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)

China's 2018 population is 1.42 billion, based on United Nations projections. China, officially the People's Republic of China, is the largest country in the world today. In January 2013, the Chinese Government released data confirming that the population of China was an impressive 1,354,040,000, although this does not include Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.
zedd-shen Over 6 years ago

This data source includes statistics from Unicef The data specifically looks into literacy rates of both men and women adults worldwide.


Literacy - UNICEF DATA

Updated: Jan 2018 Literacy among youth is rising, but young women lag behind Literacy rates among youth (aged 15 to 24) and adults are the test of an educational system, and the overall trend is positive, thanks to the expansion of educational opportunities.
kwiens Over 6 years ago