03. Discover and Curate Public Data

Source Data

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  • Last updated January 29, 2017 at 1:19 PM by drhandran
  • Evidence visible to public
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This is a link to the wiki page with information about the average American income over the years


Household income in the United States - Wikipedia

Household income is an economic standard that can be applied to one household, or aggregated across a large group such as a county, city, or the whole country. It is commonly used by the United States government and private institutions to describe a household's economic status or to track economic trends in the US.
vince0731 Over 3 years ago

smoking dataset

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Data and Statistics

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. Nearly 40 million U.S. adults still smoke cigarettes, and about 4.7 million middle and high school students use at least one tobacco product, including e-cigarettes. Every day, about 1,600 U.S.
dongyao-wang Over 3 years ago

covid vaccinations data for each state, given age


Covid Vaccinations in United States🇺🇸💉

State-by-state data on United States COVID-19 vaccinations
dev_pietrini Over 3 years ago

Percent of people in the US vaccinated broken down into individual states and territories, age groups, and how many have received one dose.


How Is The COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Going In Your State?

This page is updated regularly. Vaccinating a high percentage of the population against COVID-19 is a crucial part of the U.S. strategy to curb the pandemic. Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, more than 270 million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 121 million people or 36.7% of the total U.S.
hannah-park Over 3 years ago

This website gives an analysis on mortality and Covid-19. For all the countries confirmed cases, death rate, and death count are given.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

How does mortality differ across countries? Examining the number of deaths per confirmed case and per 100,000 population. A global comparison.
22vossg Over 3 years ago

This data set combines information from NHL, Hockey Reference, First Line Stats, and various other hockey-related organizations.


NHL Goalies 2017-18 - Hockey Abstract

Ever year, I gather every possible shred of statistical information about each and every goalie, and make it available for everyone in this document. In particular, this data comes from the NHL, Hockey Reference, Corsica Hockey, Natural Stat Trick, First Line Stats, among many other sources. Please support these sites.
21collinst Over 3 years ago

New Dataset

Suicide Mortality by State


Stats of the State - Suicide Mortality

1 The number of deaths per 100,000 total population. Source: https://wonder.cdc.gov States are categorized from highest rate to lowest rate. Although adjusted for differences in age-distribution and population size, rankings by state do not take into account other state specific population characteristics that may affect the level of mortality.
jped Over 4 years ago

This is my new dataset.

The dataset shows how much money was was granted or loaned and how many recipients there were in certain states

Federal Student Aid

Title IV Program Volume Reports

The office of Federal Student Aid delivers aid to students through loan, grant, and work-study programs. These reports provide recipient and volume data by program for each school participating in the Title IV programs. Award Year Summaries
4aron Over 4 years ago

Shows the death rate per 100,000 for motor vehicle accidents from 2012 and 2014. Ages are seperated and so are states.

The data includes inpatient hospital-specific charges for more than 3,000 U.S. hospitals and includes location.