Badge List Helper

Teach someone else about Badge List

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 5, 2015 at 10:40 PM by hankish
  • Evidence visible to public
Help a friend or colleague get started with Badge List & link to the group or badge they created. Then share any problems they ran into or things that were confusing here.
After you've completed the first three requirements the only thing you need to do to earn this badge is demonstrate that you've helped a new user learn more about Badge List. (It's the Badge List Helper badge after all.) 

To master this requirement:
  1. Help a friend or colleague get started with Badge List 
  2. Link to the group or badge they created and share any problems they ran into or things that were confusing (so we can all figure out how to help people use Badge List more awesomely).  

All posted evidence

I walked my friend through how to create their own badge, so the process went pretty smoothly. We ran into no issues creating this badge.
saber23 About 3 years ago

Told my mother about the badge list community and I was able to show her what the community does. Told her that she could join and post her badge on her LinkedIn account. 
housern Over 3 years ago

I invited my co-teacher to the Co-Teach Group I started and shared the Badge List with her. I helped her get started.

emorales4785 About 4 years ago

I added my coworker Christina and she created her first badge and started awarding badges for our district.

One problem Christina ran into is batch assign. She had to learn how to upload a .csv file to assign badges to multiple users.
menxueiro Almost 5 years ago

What is Azure DevOps? 11/07/2019 5 minutes to read

In this article Choose Azure DevOps Services Choose Azure DevOps Server Visual Studio Team Services is now Azure DevOps Services Choose your content version Next steps Related articles Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018 | TFS 2017 | TFS 2015 | TFS 2013 Azure DevOps provides developer services to support teams to plan work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Developers can work in the cloud using Azure DevOps Services or on-premises using Azure DevOps Server. Azure DevOps Server was formerly named Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS).
jp-devc About 5 years ago

I'm working with a student to learn BadgeList and develop a preservice teacher professional learning program called Digital Fliers.

Here is a link to one of the badges she has created.

The process has been pretty good so far, but we are running into some difficulty with formatting and getting information for the Badge Overview (like hyperlinks or other documents) to be easily accessible for people doing the badge. 

We are still in a draft phase, and will hopefully figure out an easy way to present the information in an better format for users. 
jmclausen Over 6 years ago

I shared our badgelist link with our Instructional Coaches.

All MCSS teachers will be invited to join the group. I will begin with our instructional coaches to assist in leading this PLC.
jennifermc Almost 7 years ago

I helped my colleague make a learning group and badges.

We showed each other how to access the home page, how to download png pictures and save them for upload.  We showed each other how to post evidence and to add multiple members to groups.
shannon-harris Over 7 years ago

I helped my colleague make a learning group and badges.

I helped my colleague make a learning group and badges. We practiced how to get to home page and to other links in order to add evidence.  We had some problem with emailing to other people. For some reason the response time was very different in adding members.  

Her link to her learning group is
laura-rahe Over 7 years ago

Helped my colleague Mike create a badge that shows teachers how to create a seating chart based on Lexile scores.

Here's the link to his badge.

We felt like the 300 character limit is really too short for some of the things we want to do.  So we posted information to the wiki page instead.  Also, we struggled with how to limit public access to the submissions (e.g. keeping the actual seating chart and lexile lists private), but I think we figure out a way to do it.
cmoggia Over 7 years ago

Tweeted to @edtech_savvy (Kirby Fowler) about @BadgeList as we were discussing how to make the process better/faster. Shared the webpage.

mistab10 Almost 9 years ago

mentored a teacher in Badgelist

I mentored a teacher regarding Badgelist. I told a teacher about Badgelist, I invited her to join my class of students as an observer. I sent her links to my blog and I sent her  few emails. She has now created a group and just awarded her first badge:

UPDATED another badge that our principal created:

I taught at Fall Cue and had people in session create badges as well.

miltology Over 9 years ago