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Invite someone to earn your badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 1, 2016 at 6:53 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Invite someone to earn your badge by clicking the "invite learners" button on the bottom right of the badge page. Add a link to the learners you've invited to complete this piece of evidence.

All posted evidence

A presenter at the conference earned a badge

Online Teacher Summit

2017 Presenter awarded to Patrice Palmer

This badge is for 2017 #OnlineTeacherSummit presenters and partners.
paulino-brener Over 7 years ago

I invited 3 Ts to earn the Socrative Cub Badge. We've played w/ the tool together, but now it's time for them to explore more options!

Badge List

Socrative Cub - Badges 4 Bears

Explore the different tools that can be used on Socrative (socrative.com). https://www.youtube.com/user/SocrativeVideos
woltermanl Over 7 years ago

Invited Mr Olfield via Twitter.


Hackable HighSchools on Twitter

@Mr_Oldfield Would u like an @EdCampColumbus badge? https://t.co/F31GOVrWrQ
ed-jones Almost 8 years ago

Get equipped with Tableau Public, a powerful data visualization tool with this introductory mini-course at https://www.badgelist.com/tableau

Badge List

Analyzing Public Data with Tableau

Design a data visualization in Tableau Public using a large, publicly-available data set.
drhandran About 8 years ago

The Hip Hop Program™ a K-6th grade comprehensive healthy literacy education curriculum-mind, body & emotion-“Building A Culture of Health”


Shape Up US

Shape Up US provides teachers, children, parents and communities at large with educational tools to create healthy, lifelong habits to improve their overall wellness. With a focus on cardiovascular health, physical exercise, nutrition, and mental and emotional well-being, we accomplish our mission of building healthy futures for our children through a three-pronged approach of AWARENESS!
hiphop About 8 years ago

Link to learners - those invited and those who have joined.


Code.Org - Badge List

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
bps_badges Over 8 years ago

This was a test invite for one of my teachers.

scarr9808 Over 8 years ago
