Patty Graner

Share your vision

A partial explanation for our Network of professional developers about why micro-credentials.

  • May 9, 2017 at 12:21 PM
  • Visible to public
 SIM Micro-credential Background Educators engage in continuous learning from the beginning of their careers through each year thereafter. Formalized, continuing education and district sanctioned in-service via formal professional learning are recognized within systems; however the application of that learning, the job-embedded learning in which they engage, and the competencies that they gain may not be recognized during their employment or into their next job. One way to recognize learning and implementation of new knowledge and expertise is through micro-credentialing.  A micro-credential can function as a signal within and outside of the system of the educational investment made by an educator.  An incremental, cohesive approach makes some credentials obtainable after a single activity, while others are “prerequisites” that constitute a more advanced credential. Each represents an element of a comprehensive concept of “mastery,” (Diamond & Gonzalez, 2014).   The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Challenge Each year, hundreds of professionals learn and implement SIM Learning Strategies and/or Content Enhancement Routines nationally and internationally. These teachers have reported using the tools successfully with students and expressed a desire to share the tools with others in their school or system. Unfortunately, the current SIM certification structure does not recognize the learning in which they engage. Currently, only ‘certified’ SIM professional developers are able to purchase the materials and instruct others in the use these complex tools.
One solution
The KUCRL has developed a micro-credentialing system through that can address the SIM certification issue. These micro-credentials are not just pictures of badges. Clicking on the micro-credential reveals detailed evidence and artifacts illustrating what the holder of the credential can do. The micro-credential can be made public via Linked In, Twitter, Facebook or on a Mozilla Backpack. A school or teacher can feature them on their websites; the credential URL can be shared on vitae and resumes. The system recognizes individuals’ effort(s), promotes the continuation and spread within a school or system that has made an investment in SIM professional development, and most importantly, ensures that students continue to have access to the SIM evidence-based interventions and tools that can make a difference in their school and life success. Professionals can earn a micro-credential in any of the SIM tools. A learner’s participation, gathered evidence, artifacts, and coaching from a SIM professional developer can lead to expert implementation and a micro-credential. Badges have been developed as a means of officially recognizing the micro-credential at various levels. The badge icon will serve as external proof of knowledge and skills gained by the educator.