Cyara LeNise Thompson

Share your vision

Ess' Essential Wellness Community Leader

  • September 21, 2020 at 1:49 PM
  • Last updated over 4 years ago
  • Visible to public
Ess' Essential is a small business that uses a combination of aromatherapy, sensory, and mindful meditation to help bring awareness to the importance of living a wellness lifestyle (Mind,Body, Spirit). "Close your eyes and imagine walking into an open space. You get a whiff of a fresh, natural aroma and somehow the weight of the day has been lifted off off of your shoulders. There is sense of healing in the atmosphere that you just want to be apart of."

Being the founder, I have over 4 years of experience using and studying essential oils along with the many health benefits they bring to the mind and bodies of the human race. The community is fairly small because we're in the beginning stages of developing a strong foundation. The vision is create a space to get away from the stresses of everyday life, whether it be work, school, family, the objective is to set aside time to enter a space where we can learn how to put our wellness goals first and be supported by a community with a common goal in mind. You can follow Ess' Essential on Instagram @essessential to see more about the objectives for the community.