Badge Builder

Award Badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 22, 2015 at 12:28 AM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a link to the logs of two people you've awarded the badge to. Badges want to belong to people. Award the badge to people who have posted great evidence and really earned the badge you've created. Remember, a meaningful credential shows evidence of learning and/or engagement.

How to award a badge:

There are two ways to award a badge:
  1. Invite someone as a learner:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Learners section and click the Invite Learners button.  Learners will receive an invitation to join the badge and submit learning evidence at which point you can issue them the badge.
  2. Award the badge right away:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Experts section and click the "Award the Badge" button.  This will award the badge immediately without requiring the awardee to submit any evidence first.

All posted evidence

Award Badge evidence

Introduction to Electron and Light Microscopy

Basic Animal Histology awarded to Rebekah Handran

Understanding of the four tissue types in animal histology and ability to correctly categorize histology specimens using light microscopy.
drhandran About 8 years ago

CATESOL Inland Empire chapter members.

catesol-ie Over 8 years ago

Marcel's profile who earned the badge.


Muscle Model Builder awarded to Marcel _

Successfully get the muscle model running on your machine!
slarson Over 8 years ago

Nshah's profile who earned the badge


Muscle Model Builder awarded to Neil Shah

Successfully get the muscle model running on your machine!
slarson Over 8 years ago

Linkedin 에 올라간 벳지 URL

AllWin Education

BIM (Building Information Modeling) awarded to timekorea

Digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information.
allwinedu Over 8 years ago

awarded to 5 ppl so far.


On-Board with Badges - BUSDEdServices - Badge List

To join this badge, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
techtombusd Almost 9 years ago

Badge awarded to Adriana Urbina

menxueiro Almost 9 years ago

Anais got the twitter badge

Colegio Roosevelt ES Tech Training

Twitter Account awarded to Anais Buckley

Earners have created a Twitter account and know the basics of tweeting.
xnunezdp Almost 9 years ago

Class website



jonsama Almost 9 years ago

Log from Paul's successful completion of the eStream badge

Bath College Library

Planet eStream Essential awarded to Paul Connor

Essential Level knowledge of Planet covering logging in, uploading videos, setting TV recordings, adding photosets, and using comments
naomi About 9 years ago

Teachers are awarded the level 1 badge.


Office 365 - Novice - Training Group - Badge List

To join this badge, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
hicksm009 About 9 years ago



Earn | Open Badges

Earn badges from anywhere. Then take them everywhere. Manage your badges in your Mozilla Backpack, where you can create meaningful collections and display your badges on social networking and job sites.
deknarf About 9 years ago