#TUSDinspirED Cub

Educational Inspiration #1

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  • Last updated April 18, 2017 at 7:19 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Our first district edcamp was a fantastic first step in allowing us to share what inspires us. Let's keep it going on #Badges4Bears! Share something that inspires you!

All posted evidence

Facebook communities

i am inspired by the networking communities I have found on Facebook, specifically a local teachers group, Local Teacher’s collective: KC and surrounding areas. https://m.facebook.com/groups/229986857597055

holtra Over 6 years ago

I'm inspired by...

All of the collaboration I have been a part of since beginning training on Monday! Working with other teachers in this district has inspired me to try some new and exciting things in my classroom this year! It has also given me the confidence that I have joined a phenomenal district with a great team to help me along the way!
trishelle Over 6 years ago

My Inspiration!

My inspiration is all of the people I work with at Midland Trail Elementary and Junction Elementary! No matter how they feel, what is going on at home or in their classroom, they have smiles on their faces and continue to give 100% in their classrooms. I have worked in three other districts and I have never felt the kind of community that I have here in Turner. 
echapman Almost 7 years ago


am inspired by the people I work with every day. Every day I see teachers using multiple strategies to help our students learn. Teachers change strategies for students who need a different approach! I love watching our students learn from our teachers!!
melbsmith Almost 7 years ago

Educational Inspiration #1

I am inspired by my awesome Turner community. I have the opportunity of working with people that genuinely care for their students. It is helpful to work with people that have the same vision as yourself.
brownk Almost 7 years ago

Badges 4 Bears inspired me to create Badges for Books. Badges 4 Bears also inspires me. As I look at the different badges also I'm inspired to try new ideas with my students.

schlessmanj About 7 years ago

Other Inspired Teachers

It has been so exciting and empowering this year working with other teachers that are just as excited about education as I am and that are always pushing themselves to do more. It has led to some really exciting changes in what we are doing in our classes, which has led to some fantastic growth from our students! I could not do what I do every day without my team, my coach, or the rest of the amazing staff at MTE!
ncoyan Over 7 years ago

My Inspirations 1

I am inspired by learning new methods of research-based instruction that will help my students learn.
walkera Over 7 years ago


Students who are not only engaged and giving forth effort, but growing from where they started in the year.  Positive changes in attitudes and learning inspires me
hollands Over 7 years ago

She gets so excited about the simplest solutions that help students find success. Every blog is positive even after disappointments.


Teaching With a Mountain View

Inspiration With a View
cartym Over 7 years ago

Badges 4 Bears

I LOVE the motivation and personal gratification that comes with working toward and earning badges! This is the coolest idea for PD and I would love to find an accessible way to implement badges with my 1st graders! I don't know how we could easily get the kids access to accounts since we are not 1:1 but I would like to play around this summer and find a way! Seeing how excited I get about new badges tells me my little ones would be all about this! My teammate, Julie (another inspiration!), wants to try to implement a school-wide reading badge system if we can figure out the logistics. I would also like to try creating badges for specific content standards or skills for students to be able to show evidence of their own learning and mastery! The possibilities are endless and I am inspired to find a way to make this work for primary students.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

I was inspired by all of the awesome teachers we have at Turner!

It was really amazing at the ed Camp to see what exciting things teacher around the district were implementing in their classes.  It was very motivating.  It was fun for me as a learner so I am sure that the students are having fun in the classroom as well.
waterkotteh Almost 8 years ago