Khan Academy Cub

What are your thoughts about Khan Academy?

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  • Last updated March 6, 2017 at 6:47 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
After watching a video or two and playing around, how might you use Khan Academy with students?

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My Thoughts on Khan

I love Khan Academy! I love the story behind how Khan Academy was created and I love using it with my students. I use it as quick whole group mini lessons, extension activities for student that are ahead, skill practice for the whole group, and re-teaching for student that need to learn prerequisite skills. I can use the data from their Khan lessons as a tool for lesson adjustments.
leahcoffman Almost 8 years ago

Thoughts πŸ’­

I've never been a fan of Khan Academy. However, it's looks like they've done some updating in the last 6 years πŸ™‚ They videos appear more interesting. It still lacks videos and activities for ELAπŸ˜• I did find a section on grammar (we struggle to find interactive independent grammar activities) that will be very useful in the classroom. It's always nice to revisit an old resource. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
rolandteach Almost 8 years ago

Internet 101

I watched all the videos in the Internet 101, which is about an hour long "class." It was a collaboration between and Khan Academy that focuses on how the internet works. It was great, and it inspired me to use it in a lesson next week. I also think it would be great to have as an "anchor activity" that kids could go on and watch videos on if they finish early.
mrsnix Almost 8 years ago

Khan Academy could be great for differentiation.

I want to use Khan Academy for enrichment. The videos and practices offer a great way for higher level thinkers to go deeper in a topic independently.
cartym Almost 8 years ago

I like Khan Academy. The students like his voice and I like them being able to hear topics from someone other than me.

hurlaa Almost 8 years ago