Khan Academy Cub

What are your thoughts about Khan Academy?

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  • Last updated March 6, 2017 at 6:47 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
After watching a video or two and playing around, how might you use Khan Academy with students?

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It is a great way to individualize instruction for kiddos.
paynem364 About 6 years ago

Reteach or extend

Khan Academy could be used as "homework" for parents and students to watch and work through together. The content and delivery might be too dry for a 1st grader, but parents and students could use it as a resource at home when they need something retaught or explained in a different way. 

Alternatively, higher performing students may require some extension beyond the 1st grade curriculum and could use Khan Academy to explore 2nd grade content on their own in the classroom or at home. 
diedrichk Over 7 years ago

Khan Academy is amazing!

Khan is a great way to support core math, but it could easily be used to support any learner in the classroom.  Students that are struggling with tough concepts in SuccessMaker could search for that skill on Khan Academy and watch the tutorial videos give them the skills they need to master that concept in SM.

Adding links to specific Khan activities would be an easy way to differentiate menus for guided reading or math.
woltermanl Over 7 years ago

How to use Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great resource for students to use at school and home. Student can relearn what they learned in the classroom. Or for an review before a test. 
It shows a video on how to solve the problem and gives students practice problems for them to try it out. When students are stuck they can hit the hint button which gives them clues how to solve. They can not go on until they have master the lesson. 
Khan Academy Mappers is also another great resource for students to increase their school on the MAP test and State Assessment. 
nichole10 Over 7 years ago


Students can use this to help increase their MAP scores, by improving on math skills. 
ncoyan Over 7 years ago

I would use Khan Academy in three ways to enhance my classroom: 1. Independent work time 2. Flipped classroom 3. Bellwork/re-teaching

During independent work time or rotations, a link to Khan Academy can be provided as a resource for students. Students can watch the entire problem or find the part of the problem solving process they need help with to complete the work.  Also, student's who are absent can access Khan Academy for make-up work.

In a flipped classroom, students can watch the Khan Academy video the evening before the actual lesson is taught in class.  The next day, I would cover the material in class.  This will give students two presentations of the math lesson prior to independent/small group work time. 

During bellwork time, students can review the previous math lesson by watching a Khan Academy video.  Also, a student can watch the video as bellwork prior to the lesson starting.  

walkera Over 7 years ago

Individual Learning

Student individual learning.
students can learn at their own time. 
nichole10 Over 7 years ago

Fantastic tool for students and parents.

As a special education teacher, I'm alwats looking for ways to teach in a variety of ways. Using Khan Academy gives my students a chance to watch the how to as many times as needed or pause as needed. I also love it for when parents want to help with homework but are stumped as to how to help their child. 
graya Over 7 years ago

Useful site

I like the videos. I like that I can pause the video and do some explaining or have students tell me the next step or answer before going on with the rest of the video.  I also like that I can have kids watch videos on skills they are missing and practice those missing skills - it can be individual for each student!!
melbsmith Almost 8 years ago

Khan Academy

Khan Academy seems really cool to use for math. It just doesn't have a ton of ELA resources! There are a few grammar videos that I might check out. I could use those grammar videos during writing!
paigefickbohm Almost 8 years ago

Wow, big changes!

I haven't looked at Kahn Academy for several years. I think some of my students would really like completing missions mad earning awards. Thinking about fitting it into our day for practice is a little overwhelming right now. I can see me using the videos as a resource when they are stuck. I think a big benefit could be setting up classes and telling parents about it. I think they could easily follow through at home. I have so many parents that are afraid of math and say they can't help their students. Kahn Academy would take that fear away. 

ruffteacher Almost 8 years ago


Khan Academy can be used to enrich students who understand the lesson being taught. For instance, if the lesson is over solving one step equations, advanced students can learn how to solve two step equations using Khan Academy as their main resource.
seifertp Almost 8 years ago