Kagan Cooperative Learning Golden Bear

Kagan Structure #1

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  • Last updated April 21, 2017 at 1:13 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
What structure did you use and how did you use it? Reflect on how it went.

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The students did a jigsaw activity to put a fable about teamwork together in order. Then they answered questions about the story Round Robin writing. Each student had a different color pencil. The kids were very engaged and helped each other with the answers. 
ruffteacher Over 7 years ago

Great way to get kids moving too!

I really liked this structure. I used it after a writing assignment. I didn't have time for each student to share their papers, but they were able to share with 3-4 peers using this kagan structure. Each new person they paired up with, they shared their stories and gave and received feedback. 
paigefickbohm Almost 8 years ago

Find Someone Who

As an end-of-the-year review of addition strategies students were each given a 10 frame card representing a certain number 0-10. I gave them a number create or problem to solve and students needed to find someone with a number that could pair with their own to get the right answer. In the picture below students needed to create a 10, so a student with 8 paired with a student with a 2 and added both frames together to check their answer.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

Find Someone Who

This activity served two purposes: one review weekly vocabulary, two place students in groups for the day. Each student was given a card when they entered the classroom. The card was one of the following: definition, sentence, picture or synonym for one of the weekly vocabulary words. Students were instructed to go around the room and find the three other people (pieces) to match. Once they found all three the placed them together to scan qr code to reveal the word. Groups traveled together to review all 8 words. 
rolandteach Almost 8 years ago


We used the Jigsaw structure to learn about the instructions for our Bloxels marketing project. There are four parts (logo, app store description, marketing email and commercial). The kids were in their groups, and their "CEO" decided who would do what part. Then they came back together and discussed what they learned. I put 4 QR codes on a piece of paper for them to use at their table. 

The first couple hours, it was a little rocky because I didn't realize that none of them had ever done a jigsaw before. After that, I started teaching them the strategy and it worked better. Some of the groups asked questions and discussed things as they worked through, which was not my intent, but worked out fine. Other groups did a traditional jigsaw where they all worked independently and then came back together to share. I thought it was a great strategy and I'll use it again!
mrsnix Almost 8 years ago