This badge is the beginning of implementing an action research project in your classroom. What do you do when an app, lesson or practice doesn't work in your class the first time? Is it you, the class or the app/lesson/practice?
Choose the scientific method to find out:
1. State your problem
2. Research the topic/app as well as action research
A. Find out what action research is and is not
B. Find out what others are doing or have done
3. Create a hypothesis (Best educated guess)
4. Collect data by continuing the app/practice with one class.
Try a new app/practice with another class period.
5. Keep data on student growth
6. Reteach using the most effective method with the class
with less growth
Evidence: Email contains information about the process, photos, student data
Choose the scientific method to find out:
1. State your problem
2. Research the topic/app as well as action research
A. Find out what action research is and is not
B. Find out what others are doing or have done
3. Create a hypothesis (Best educated guess)
4. Collect data by continuing the app/practice with one class.
Try a new app/practice with another class period.
5. Keep data on student growth
6. Reteach using the most effective method with the class
with less growth
Evidence: Email contains information about the process, photos, student data