Badge Idea Maker

#3 Badge Idea

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 1, 2017 at 10:45 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
What topic should be covered? How should teachers share evidence?

All posted evidence

Apple Teacher

Have teachers complete ALL of the trainings offered for a teacher to become an Apple Certified Teacher and upload the certificate and badge from the Apple site here to earn a GOLD badge! :)
trishelle Over 6 years ago


How to use Istation to help tier students.
Find lessons for tier students.
Goal set with your students.
schlessmanj About 7 years ago


My last idea would be getting physical activity with students. TSGA offers yoga classes with students or Girls on the Run. That could be proven by taking a selfie with students on in the class/activity you attend. 
coppleb About 7 years ago

PT Conference Badge

The teacher must snap a photo with a parent during Parent Teacher Conferences. The reflection can include how did the conference help build a relationship between the parent and teacher for that student.
brownk Over 7 years ago

ACTION!: Test new apps, lessons and practices in your classroom.

This badge is the beginning of implementing an action research project in your classroom.  What do you do when an app, lesson or practice doesn't work in your class the first time? Is it you, the class or the app/lesson/practice?

Choose the scientific method to find out:

1. State your problem
2. Research the topic/app as well as action research
     A. Find out what action research is and is not
     B. Find out what others are doing or have done
3. Create a hypothesis (Best educated guess)
4. Collect data by continuing the app/practice with one class.  
    Try a new app/practice with another class period.
5. Keep data on student growth
6. Reteach using the most effective method with the class
    with less growth

Evidence:  Email contains information about the process, photos, student data
walkera Over 7 years ago


Teachers share their top 3 favorite getting to know you activities they like to do at the beginning of the school year. 
ncoyan Over 7 years ago

Motion Integration

Integrate another subject into your social studies/science lessons. A picture/gif would suffice. 
alic Over 7 years ago

Professional Orginizations

At cub level must be a part of 1 or 2 professional orginizations within their field.
Bear level must show proof the 3 to 4 professional orginizations within their field.
waterkotteh Almost 8 years ago

Video Chat With an Author

Many popular children's and YA book authors are willing to connect with classrooms via video chat to answer questions young writers and readers might have. Teachers can "invite the author into their classrooms" and provide evidence by posting pictures of the chat.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

Parent Involvment

Planning event or project that brings parents in the classroom.
sparelarissa Almost 8 years ago

Shout Out!

Teachers should post about other teachers accomplishing great things in their classroom.
mds3567 Almost 8 years ago

SAMR Showcase

Show how you used the SAMR model to update an existing project - screenshot or link to assignment and identify the SAMR level 
mrst_bears Almost 8 years ago