#2 Badgelist 101

Intro Video Tutorial

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated November 3, 2017 at 8:36 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Copy and paste the link below to view a tutorial video that will give you an overview of the Badgelist website. Provide the steps you will take from joining a badge to submitting your evidence for that badge. _______ https://youtu.be/PjRRXzqhdng

All posted evidence


Log into badgelist
Click on the Badges4Bears Group
Locate the backed I wish to complete. 
Click "Join Badge" 
Post evidence and upload the evidence based on the requirements. 
Click Request feedback to send to administrators. 
tidwells Over 6 years ago

Getting a Badge

First, you need to search the badges to find one you're interested in. A good way to search is to click on tags and then view all. Once you find a badge you're interested in, click join badge. You can join lots at once! It will tell you the evidence that you need to submit to get your badge. Once you're ready to complete the badge, you click the "plus' to add evidence. You can do this over time as you finish the badge. When you're totally done with all your evidence, you click "request feedback" to try and earn it. Someone will look over your evidence and approve it. 
mrsnix Over 6 years ago

Joining a Badge

1)Find a badge that you’d like to learn more about/or complete.
2)Click on join.
3)Click on requirements.
4)Complete requirement evidence.
 5)Click on request feedback. 
ncoyan Over 6 years ago

It was a very helpful video! I am excited about learning more and exploring more of the badges out there!!

waterkotte Over 6 years ago

Steps for completing a badge.

The steps I will take is to find a badge that I am interested in, click join badge, read requirements needed to fufill that badge and complete all steps. When completed I will submit the completed badge for approval.
caitlinnicole12 Over 6 years ago

steps for submitting badges

Find a badge you are interested in
Click join badge
Click on provide evidence
Enter or find evidence of badge done
Click on post evidence
Request feedback
amyhunt12 Over 6 years ago


-Join the badge
-Read the requirements
-Complete the evidence
-Submit the badge by selecting “Request feedback”
armstrongl Over 6 years ago

Steps for joining a badge

1. Find a badge that you want to earn 
2. Join Badge 
3. Complete the evidence 
4. Request feedback button 
5. Receive an email 
nichole10 Over 6 years ago

Joining a badge

Find a badge that you’d like to learn more about/complete. Click on join. Click on requirements. Complete requirement evidence. Click on request feedback. 
alic Over 6 years ago

Steps to badges and submitting evidence.

After creating an account on the website you can browse all badges and choose them based upon your interests.  You tap “join this badge” to have it added to your profile list. Tap on the badge and read requirements for earning the badge. Based on three levels of badges, there will have varied types of evidence required. As this cub level badge requires you to watch a video for one of three required pieces of evidence. You then post your evidence that will be reviewed/approved by the team. 
crumpacker Over 6 years ago


search for a badge I want to earn 
post evidence 
submit and wait to be approved 
kristinwilliams Over 6 years ago


1. Choose a badge to earn
2. Follow steps for completing the badge
3. Submit evidence of completion
4. Request Feedback
5. Badge earned
cutchallk Over 6 years ago