Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Copy and paste the link below to view a tutorial video that will give you an overview of the Badgelist website.
Provide the steps you will take from joining a badge to submitting your evidence for that badge.
_______ https://youtu.be/PjRRXzqhdng
All posted evidence
I learned how to join different groups, but the Tags item you refer to was not on my screen. I wonder if there as been a version upgrade.
Almost 6 years ago
How to Earn a Badge
1. Browse to find the badge you want to earn. 2. Complete the activities required to earn the badge. 3. Post evidence required to earn the badge. 4. Submit request for feedback.
About 6 years ago
Watched the tutorial to learn how to use this system. I will need a lot more practice to understand.
Login and choose a badge. Join the badge and post evidence of completing the badge. Request feedback in order to submit.
About 6 years ago
Log in to Badge List Click on Badges 4 Bears groups Find the badge you want to join Click on "Join Badge" Complete All Requirements for the badge. Click on Request Feedback.
1. Open Badges for Bears website2. Read the descriptions 3. Choose a badge 4. Follow the steps listed in the description to learn about the topic. 5. Complete the activity 6. Submit required evidence7. Request feedback. 8. Earn badge
Login in Browse badges Choose badge Find out requirements Submit evidence Ask for feedback
About 6 years ago
How to earn badges
1. Join badges for bears 2. search for badges that interest you- start with cub level. 3. click join badge 4. complete the required evidence for that badge -this can be via screenshots, text, etc.5. Request feedback