PLC Level 1 Training

What did I learn at this training?

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  • Last updated August 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM by trishaann
  • Evidence visible to public
Share one thing you learned about PLCs at this training that you did not know before you attended

All posted evidence

Sharing Character Counts with maintenance people Learning tools to improve my power points slides

Durante este día tuve la oportunidad de ser facilitador con el grupo de mantenimiento para abordar los seis pilares del caracter a través de pequeñas y profundas actividades. (2 horas)

En la 3era sesión aprendí sobre recursos externos paar enriquecer las PPT.

arendon Over 8 years ago

I learned that sharing your knowledge between teachers makes us all grow!

jorge-e-vasquez Over 8 years ago

I learned that celebrating is an important part of our PLC s

avilla Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

I am a hero
james-bandura Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

I am a hero
skinney Over 8 years ago

Templates for Essay Writing

Tony shared with us the importance of providing students with a template for writing specific types of essays.  He analyzed the difference in his students´writing before and after giving them a thorough template.  He compared essay writing to being a mathematical skill.  Personally, his workshop will help me to develop templates for essay writing in AP Environmental Science and lab report writing in Chemistry.
kathyg Over 8 years ago

I am a Hero.

tony-graziano Over 8 years ago

Siempre podemos reinventar nuestras prácticas para volverlas más significativas en el salón de clase

william-duque Over 8 years ago

Recordé el significado de CREER. Todos somos una comunidad de aprendizaje que se puede beneficiar del PD.

marcela-eusse Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

mvilla Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

carolina-polo Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

alyssa-leclaire Over 8 years ago