PLC Level 1 Training

What did I learn at this training?

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  • Last updated August 15, 2016 at 6:01 PM by trishaann
  • Evidence visible to public
Share one thing you learned about PLCs at this training that you did not know before you attended

All posted evidence

One thing I learned about PLCs at training.

I learned that PLCs need to work for the group that is having them.  Which is to say that there is not a 'one size fits all' template for PLCs, and the importance of being flexible.  PLCs also need to have a list of norms so that all members are on the same page.  Members need to be respectful of one another and strive to achieve balance and confidentiality.  
jhowe About 8 years ago

I am a hero!

cgomez About 8 years ago


vangel About 8 years ago

Yo estaba coordinando las 3 mesas de español recordando apartes del PLC , por ejemplo. Qué podríamos hacer diferente este año?

ajaramillo Over 8 years ago

PLC Level 1

During this training I liked that we were given some concrete steps (study, do, analyze, etc) that aligns not only with design thinking but also helped our teachers understand a bit better what the 4 questions of a PLC look like in action. 
bianca-vega Over 8 years ago

Crear Normas del PLC

La importancia de establecer las norams en los grupos de PLC. Estas deben tener unos  componentes  que todo el grupo crea inportante y viva en el team . 
anavelez Over 8 years ago

I learned about how to facilitate meaningful number talks with my students and new Cooperative Learning strategies.

taibainter Over 8 years ago

I´m a hero for summary and evidence

patohenao Over 8 years ago

i'm a hero for summary and evidence

annie1 Over 8 years ago

Online forums/discussion boards are a great way to get students to use technology for academic purposes.

hbennett Over 8 years ago

All three sessions I attended were very interesting.

I found the sessions to be very informative.  Tony's session about essay writing and grading was the one that was the most useful in my teaching practice.  He provided many resources that I will use as well as valuable insight from a more experienced teacher.  Hector's session was not very applicable to my own course, however I found it very interesting to compare his experience in Israel with what I know about the Colombian educational context.  Furthermore, he provided fascinating examples of project-based learning.  Rafael's session was very interesting just for my own general knowledge.  Even though I am not teaching Ancient Rome this year, I very possibly may teach it again in the future.  Furthermore, he provided a very interesting example of how to use one's own experiences and travel photographs in a useful way in class to engage students.
m_schwartz Over 8 years ago

I am a hero

I am a hero 
jdlopez Over 8 years ago