Ann Marie Furcinito


Talking about race and moving forward

  • March 21, 2022 at 7:09 PM
  • Visible to public
Many individuals as well as educators avoid talking about race and racism. It’s uncomfortable, may lead to conflict, and calls for skills few of us possess. Often, this avoidance comes down to a fear of misspeaking, sounding racist or unintentionally doing harm. Part of getting students ready to talk about race and racism is to first deal with our own fears. Teaching about structural inequality such as racism requires courage…from us and from our students.

 It’s normal to feel discomfort reflecting on experiences with racial inequality and deepening understanding of racism. However, the more you practice facilitating difficult conversations, the more you’ll be able to manage the discomfort. The conversations may not necessarily get easier, but your ability to press toward more meaningful dialogue will expand. Stay engaged; the journey moving forward is necessary.