Megan Healy

Stretching Our Thinking

Option 2: Responding to microaggressions

  • March 16, 2022 at 12:16 PM
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There were two that stuck out to me. The first was “I feel so OCD today”. I had no idea why that would offend the Muslim girl, and I had to do a google search about it. I learned that it doesn’t really have anything to do with the fact that she is Muslim, and more to do with the fact that we shouldn’t throw around terms about serious health disorders, like OCD and bipolar, to describe your current mood because it marginalizes what they’re going through. The second was, “I can’t say your name. I’ll just call you J.” That’s a tough one when you work in a school, particularly when you are the librarian with many classes, and have hundreds of names to learn and some can be very difficult. First off, a lot of kids don’t seem to want to draw attention to themselves in any way, and they really would hate the teacher to pause class to work out saying their name correctly. I pick up on that embarrassment, and sometimes just avoid saying their name altogether if I know I’m going to butcher it. But at the same time, “you… in the green!” or “sweetheart” can only take you so far, and sometimes I feel like that’s actually worse than making an attempt to say the name. I definitely have asked before if there is a nickname I can call them instead – guilty.