Kelly Rich

Stretching Our Thinking

Responding to Microagressions

  • March 20, 2022 at 9:52 PM
  • Visible to public
Responding to Microaggressions: 1.       Ask questions to get at any underlying assumptions 2.       Acknowledge what happened to the person affected 3.       Be an active bystander and explain to the person saying or behaving in a negative way why their actions have a negative impact, even if unintentional. Microaggressions can be subtle and occur despite our best intentions. How can we reflect on our own microaggressions? Ask ourselves, ·         What was my intention? ·         What assumptions are behind what I said? ·         What is the impact? Microaggressions and invalidate or exotify someone’s identity, or imply stereotypical expectations, even when intended to be complimentary.