Kasandra ODonaghy

Stretching Our Thinking

5 Tips for being an Ally

  • March 17, 2022 at 2:11 PM
  • Visible to public
I really enjoyed the video for 5 tips of being an ally. I think it really opened up my mind to what it means to be an Ally, and I didn’t exactly understand that you can be an ally to anyone. I think the term “ally” is coined to LGBTQ+ in my mind so she really opened my mind thinking about it in the terms of being an ally to anyone. Some specific things that are resignation with me are of course understanding my privilege. It makes me think of a ted talk I watched with a woman was talking about how she won’t have to have the conversations with her children about what to do when you’re pulled over, but her black best friend will have to discuss that with her children. Also, the part that is really sticking out in my mind is “you’ll make mistakes! Apologize when you do.”. When she stated that it is not about intent, but the impact. I think we are so conditioned to believe “it is the thought that counts”, and yet she is right. It is about what you did, not what you meant to do. And that it is ok to make a mistake, but you do need to apologize and move on.